Band reunions and movie sequels can suck it.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
All of them. Even with ones I happen to go to and enjoy (few, if any), the very notion of drudging up past glory is disgusting. Nothing quite like watching your past decade's heroes get up on stage with beerguts and baldspots, playing 3/4-speed versions of your favourite tunes, trimmed down to 3 minutes because nobody can remember "the hard part" in the middle. Stop livin' in the fuckin' past!

The following is a list of sequels/reunions that are okay by me:

Evil Dead 2

That is all.
Fact: if Star Wars stopped at the first movie, nobody would have a single bad thought about George Lucas because he couldn't have fucked anything up.

No Jar-Jar, no Ewoks, no Phantom Menace, no knowledge of awkward incestuous kissing jerkoff scene, none of that.
Part 1 was slammed by all, most people hated it with a passion. While I agree it wasn't as good as it should have been, it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made out. I'd be keen to see part 2 myself.

[/useless post part 2: the remake]
I thought it was great actually! I expected crap and got a quite good movie, yay!
i still claim that the whole Star Wars saga exists to teach us that man turns to the darkside because of pussy
Exactly! Although when one alien killed two predators, i was literally fuming.[/nerd]
Plus they got the story bit quite well too, I was expecting something like BIG MEAN ALIENS HAVE WAR IN SPACE AND CRASH IN WASHINGTON DC, MR. MUSCLEMAN TO THE RESCUE!

Will definitely want the sequel
No Jar-Jar, no Ewoks, no Phantom Menace, no knowledge of awkward incestuous kissing jerkoff scene, none of that.

And no Max Rebo either, try and imagine that!

*except 3:10 to Yuma because that's the goddamn greatest film of the year
The wife and I went to see this last weekend. I'm not sure what you loved about it. With two lesser actors, this movie would have sucked. And unfortunately, even Crowe and Bale couldn't save a storyline that required as much suspension of disbelief as any Hollywood blockbuster. The last 20 minutes was pure silliness.

All of them. Even with ones I happen to go to and enjoy (few, if any), the very notion of drudging up past glory is disgusting. Nothing quite like watching your past decade's heroes get up on stage with beerguts and baldspots, playing 3/4-speed versions of your favourite tunes, trimmed down to 3 minutes because nobody can remember "the hard part" in the middle. Stop livin' in the fuckin' past!
I'd say 99% of the time, you're dead on. I think it really depends on the motivating factors for the reunion/sequel.

The wife and I went to see this last weekend. I'm not sure what you loved about it. With two lesser actors, this movie would have sucked. And unfortunately, even Crowe and Bale couldn't save a storyline that required as much suspension of disbelief as any Hollywood blockbuster. The last 20 minutes was pure silliness.


I actually went to see the movie before reading any reviews, but a quick google search for reviews shows first few hits for: IGN, rotten tomatoes, NY Times, Cinema Blend, Rolling Stone, aint it cool news, CNN, Entertainment Weekly....

....all either giving it 4/5, 5/5, or even "film of the year" accolades. Wow, I didn't realize it was being that well received. Maybe it'll snab an oscar or 2.

I'd be surprised if Christian Bale didn't win an oscar this go round, either for this or Rescue Dawn. He's pretty good at this acting lark.
I actually went to see the movie before reading any reviews, but a quick google search for reviews shows first few hits for: IGN, rotten tomatoes, NY Times, Cinema Blend, Rolling Stone, aint it cool news, CNN, Entertainment Weekly....

....all either giving it 4/5, 5/5, or even "film of the year" accolades. Wow, I didn't realize it was being that well received. Maybe it'll snab an oscar or 2.
Critics loved The English Patient as well, and that was the worst movie ever.

I'd be surprised if Christian Bale didn't win an oscar this go round, either for this or Rescue Dawn. He's pretty good at this acting lark.
He's awesome, but not in Crowe's league. Bale exists on that rung of great actors, that exists right below Crowe. Essentially, there's Crowe, and than there's everyone else.

Paula was telling me that one reviewer wrote, Crowe was so good, and his performance so nuanced, that he ended up making the performances look uneven by comparison.

Critics loved The English Patient as well, and that was the worst movie ever.

Well obviously one example shouldn't be enough to negate all critics reviews forever! 9 times out of 10, when there's unanimous critical acclaim for a movie, it's a good gauge to go with. Interestingly I saw 3:10 to Yuma at the movies without reading a review, I normally never do that.