Band Title Name Game ....

Electric Light Orchestra

PS: Thanks, Clammy. I checked out the sites linked to in your sig. Nice pic of you and Lemmy! Also downloaded the V&F mp3. It sounds very tr00 to form. I bet Pounding Metal is, too.
Have to admit I have not kept up with Exciter over the years. I hope that doesn't make me a poseur?
Glad to see the band making a comeback, though, and I hope you can tour the states soon!
wildfyr said:
Electric Light Orchestra

PS: Thanks, Clammy. I checked out the sites linked to in your sig. Nice pic of you and Lemmy! Also downloaded the V&F mp3. It sounds very tr00 to form. I bet Pounding Metal is, too.
Have to admit I have not kept up with Exciter over the years. I hope that doesn't make me a poseur?
Glad to see the band making a comeback, though, and I hope you can tour the states soon!


Nah, you're not a poseur. Exciter has been very underground for a long time now. Hopefully the new CD will be the beginning of us coming up to street level, hehehe...

We'd love to tour the USA. It just depends upon demand.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: