Bands in urgent need of new singers


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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1. Exodus

I heard a track from their new album the other night, which I listened to with great interest because of the review it got on here. On the other hand it might have been in Spawn's journal. Whatever...

It was a bit repetitive for my tastes but I persevered, at least until the vocals kicked in. I admit I'm a bit behind the times and traditional in my view of what constitutes good metal singing, but how this growling, grunting and occasionally screeching voice could be endured, let alone enjoyed by anyone I'll never know. At least I understood most of the lyrics, which makes a change.

2. The Darkness

Okay, I know this band is all about re-creating some of the OTT hysterics of the 80s, but I wish Whatshisname would STOP WITH THE FUCKING FALSETTOS!! Once in a while is okay. At least once in every chorus is not.
While I'm at it, their bass player needs to get rid of that bloody silly moustache too.

*Runs away to hide from irate Exodus fans*

LA Guns would've been better without Phil Lewis, although his voice suited the debut down the the ground, still not a voice that I like and sounded shit on Cocked & Loaded and Hollywood Vampires etc.

I'm also certain that Ratt would have been bigger with a better singing than Stephen "I sound like I need to take a dump" Pearcy. However, I actually really like the sound of Pearcy's voice. So it doesn't detract from anything for me. But I just know that TONS of people hate his voice (and he isn't a good singer, and apparently a lazy frontman too). So they might have got more of the fame they deserved with a better vocalist... but I wouldn't trade him.
Paul will always be the singer for exodus, but steve fucking rules too!

The Darkness FUCKING ROCK! Anyone who thinks they dont is strange and weird. :headbang: His voice is darn cool :D

GEttttt yourrr handssss off my wommmannnnnnnnn motherrrrrrfuckkkkkkkkkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Awesome shit.
Justin Hawkins > You

even though I'm a better vocalist than anyone mentioned in this thread.

Apolyom-Todd said:
The irony here of course is that Steve Souza IS a new singer for Exodus! ;)
Well, kinda. He's sung on all their albums except the first one, and the reunion live album with Baloff before he died. Souza's vocals are hard to get into, but they fit the chaotic Exodus style so well. And on the subject of singers that go falsetto all the time, often for no reason, can anyone say "King Diamond"? :lol:
Goreripper said:
Well, kinda. He's sung on all their albums except the first one, and the reunion live album with Baloff before he died. Souza's vocals are hard to get into, but they fit the chaotic Exodus style so well. And on the subject of singers that go falsetto all the time, often for no reason, can anyone say "King Diamond"? :lol:

Ya think there is a relationship between how much makeup you wear and how often you go falsetto? Since the guy from The Darkness looks like he knows how to use the stuff as well
And then there's Jim Gillette from Nitro who swears by King Diamond style falsettos as well. He certainly ain't a stranger to makeup (or hairspray either for that matter).