Bands like Venom?

Under The Oak

Ens Causa Sui
Jul 9, 2003
Austin, TX
Can anyone give me the names of some bands like Venom? I don't care for the overt satanism, but the music is awesome, and I just can't get enough of "Black Metal" or "At War With Satan". Suggestions?
^Don't listen to the above post, I'll appropriately direct you.

There's no band that 'sounded like Venom' their entire career, but I can give you albums influenced by Venom:

Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids
Bathory - Bathory
Sodom - In The Sign Of Evil
Kreator - Endless Pain
Exorcist - Nightmare Theater (Good luck finding that one.)
Virtually every blackened thrash band, except that most of them find the time to be good, whereas Venom didn't. And Venom is not black metal.