Bands that rock your socks live but bore you on cd?


May 22, 2003
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Yeah so i was thinking about this a second ago. The band hypocrisy always puts on a TERRIFIC show each time ive seen them (several times), but for some reason i cannot get into their albums, though i like a few scatted songs. Do any of you have bands that you love to see live but never really got into their albums?
I know this is blasphemy, but some Judas Priest. They have some totally fabulous stuff on CD, but a lot of them are simply Gunther-Thick-Neck-Thunka-Thunka stuff. Yes, they're Gods and they just don't ever disappoint live, but some of their CD's are just kinda ...simplistic.
I agree with the Judas Priest comments. I've thought the same of Iced Earth, i love their live show, but on cd it can all sound so samey.
Wolftribe said:
Yeah so i was thinking about this a second ago. The band hypocrisy always puts on a TERRIFIC show each time ive seen them (several times), but for some reason i cannot get into their albums, though i like a few scatted songs.
Have you heard all of Virus? Something is wrong with your head if that bores you.
Dream Theater-great live, but I only like scattered songs on C.D.
Judas Priest-Great Live. Only Liked a few songs of the new album Angel of Retribution and Demolition with Ripper. Same with Painkiller, Turbo, Ram It Down
Iced Earth-Love the older stuff and Alive in Athens. Only select songs on Horrorshow and Gettysburg.

And believe it or not, and I'll get flamed and I hate this band, but KORN are pretty good live. I don't like their music, but the crowd and band interact pretty good together (Korn fans that is.)
Dead_Lioness said:
^ its all good, we'll still have fun at their concerts :cool:

absolutley right ... well i`ve seen tiamat and samael i guess 100 times *rofl* hahahahaha
ohh another band is moonspell :| i guess I´d never put a cd into my player :| one or two songs okay :| but more?! *shrug*

but i love those concerts ;) i love his red cape *drooooool* :loco:

np: Samael - Moongate ;) hehehe