Bands that rock your socks live but bore you on cd?

Mastodon to some extent. They put on an AMAZING live show but it's not as good on the CD (although they still are great studio-wise).
^I dunno man. I saw Mastodon with Slayer a while back and they rocked my socks off, but on CD I find them incredibly bland. I was really disappointed when i picked up some of their stuff.
Ive never yawned at a concert in my life but the unholy 27 mins of Ghost Of Perdition by Opeth made me do just that, could have been the booze & the smoke filled venue but I yawned so freaking hard that lil spittle came out and hit the floor sorry ...but happy I got to meet Peter I still love Opeth dont get me wrong, but I was sad that Nevermore wasnt with them at the time it was Fireball Ministry <Kick ass live..... Pelican< was in the bar, and then Opeth
Soilwork disappointed me live, both times i saw them. They were still kind of cool, just not quite as intense as I expected.

Course, I'm not the world's biggest fan of the last two albums, but fuck they used to rule... (still okay, but nothing touches Chainheart and Natural Born Chaos).
Godsmack usually bore me on cd but they're great live.

Not really a fan of the material anymore. :S
AnvilSnake said:
Mastodon is good. Regardless of live or album.
Mastadon is AWFUL. That guy can't sing for shit.

Um well one thing about nevermore, first CD of theirs that I got was the new one, This godless endeaver, I never heard any thing before hand. TGE is incredible but when I heard some of the previous albums I don't think they stand a chance.....Maybe the band just got a fuck load better.
they're (two of them do vocals) not really trying to 'sing' jerkass....and if the previous albums you heard were Enemies of Reality and Dead Heart in a Dead World then yeh, they arent really as good. so go get Politics of Ecstacy and Dreaming Neon Black, and also realize that not every vocalist is trying to sing like a buttrock asshole who's pants are too tight.
Mastodon owns so much. This thread should just just become the Mastodon apreciation thread.