best live bands

king diamond does an awesome show because there are tons of cool props. behemoth are cool live too. and dark tranquillity for sure, thier singer is just crazy and runs around everywhere and goes right up front and is just awesome and full of energy.
Phrozenspite said:
When you saw cryptopsy did Lord Worm give everyone "communion" out of that golden chalice and rub the ashes on peoples heads? I got lucky enough to eat one of the worms
best shows i've seen are Cephalic Carnage, Nevermore and Skinny Puppy... though i'm sure theres a lot of stuff I haven't been to which would top them

I saw Cryptopsy in February of this year on the 'Back To The Worm' tour in Atlanta. He fed people the worms, but nothing with ashes. I didn't hear about that any where else either.
Origin played at this one bar close to my house. I couldn't get in due to angry Polish bouncers, so I had to watch from outside. Fortunately, the stage was at the front of the bar and the drummer was right back against the window. I met a couple of the guys in the band and one of them pulled back the curtain so I could see the drummer from about four feet away. Origin gets huge points for that.

King Diamond shows are so fucking ridiculous. Too many props that are just pointless and uninspiring: dolls, coffins, dancing wenches and "hypnotic" flailing of the arms to create the "atmosphere"
I was very underwhelmed by all the KD stuff. You can't see anyone in the band playing, and the setup takes extra time which cuts into the other bands' sets. This especially sucks when one of the other bands is Nile.
Immolation and Morbid Angel. I've seen Skinless ten times and they put on one hell of a show. The only crappy show they had was when the guy from Origin was on drums.

I want to see King Diamond atleast once. KD and MF have created some of the best music on earth.
Trylakos said:
Dead Jesus :rock: :rock: :worship: :loco:

where in Quebec do you live? Montreal?

Well, my parents live south shore of montreal. But personnaly I'm living in ottawa now for work. Just didn't change my location on the board. :P
Dying Fetus
I saw them live twice and they can play pretty tight and accurate. But Vince Matthews weren't able to cross the Canadian boarder because of a criminal record or something so John Gallagher had to fill in for him.

Again, they can play pretty tight and accurate from one song to the next.

Metallica, firstly. I've seen them more times than I care to admit...

Iron Maiden are pretty sweet, but you pretty much know what you're going to get.

At the Gates were pretty crazy when they were still around.

I've always enjoyed seeing Immortal live, but that may be because of my love for their music.

If there's one band I'd really like to see live, it's Deströyer 666. i can just imagine their how kicking some epic proportions of ass!
Immolation,Morbid Angel, and Dying Fetus put on the best shows i've seen. Tony Norman had technical difficulties for a good 20,30 minutes not taking away from the performance, it was that amazing. Watching Trey and Bob Vigna solo was like nothing i've seen from any live bands. A lot of bands simply suck,can't play plus sound amateurish. Nothing worse then crappy opening bands.

I'd love to see King Diamond atleast once. Andy is my favorite guitarist of all time. Mindblowing he is not in the musician hall of fame.
i just saw iron maiden and they were fucking awesome. bruce got the crowd really pumped and there were tons of stage props and they played great and had lots of energy and did cool stuff and it was sweet.
The Greys said:
Immolation,Morbid Angel, and Dying Fetus put on the best shows i've seen. Tony Norman had technical difficulties for a good 20,30 minutes not taking away from the performance, it was that amazing. Watching Trey and Bob Vigna solo was like nothing i've seen from any live bands. A lot of bands simply suck,can't play plus sound amateurish. Nothing worse then crappy opening bands.

I'd love to see King Diamond atleast once. Andy is my favorite guitarist of all time. Mindblowing he is not in the musician hall of fame.

Ya I read it the first time.

All shall Perish is pretty sick live, but Antagony takes the cake. Children of Bodom really suck live, and Fear Factory gets points for energy.