Bands that time forgot


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
Visit site
was just going through a retro album download site (one where you can only get albums that no longer exist to buy) and came across two Aussie bands that I had never heard of before -Black Alice & Trilogy- and they are both surprisingly good (except the first clip of Black Alice is very very cheesy).

But it is interesting to find bands that time literally forgot and people don't mention anymore, despite actually having talent (Anvil being another example of talent almost being lost to time).

So, any other bands that people can recommend that they love or have recently found but people just don't know about?

and here are the clips that I found too, so enjoy:


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Here is a couple i thought of...guys I hadnt heard in a while. Maybe they are still about, who knows....where are they now??

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I'm seeing Europe on November 1 in London and I CAN'T WAIT. Haven't been this excited about seeing a band in ages (Final Countdown line-up). Here's the title track from their new album:

Still can't get used to Ian Haugland with no hair.
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Is that the one with the spiky pomegranate-looking cunt thing on the cover?

That's the one!

Maybe it's a biblical reference, but I don't know enough about the Bible to know if there were any hedgehogs. Maybe on Noah's Ark.
new Europe albums sounds alright.. A bit like the recent Tesla albums, or Erase The Slate Dokken. :kickass: