What bands do you like that seem to get a lot of negative reviews, etc. from long time fans, due to lineup changes, etc.?
Iron Maiden (but I also only like DiAnno and classic Bruce eras

Judas Priest (Owens is damn good but he had a terrible composition to deal with, courtesy of Tipton)
Black Sabbath (except the dreadful "Forbidden" all vocalists had done well in due time)
Rainbow (partial to Dio, Bonnet and White, but JLT did well)
Malmsteen (only time I find it not suitable was Vescera era)
Amorphis (I like only the clean vocals era)
Sentenced (I love from "Down" to the "The Funeral Album")
Cryonic Temple (I prefer the Glenn Metal era, but I got accustomed to the new guy)
Steel Prophet (many changes but the band always remained solid even with D'Priest instead of Mythiasin, now he's back I hope another great album)
Meliah Rage (like all their albums despite the line-up changes, now with the return of the original vocalist I expect something really mean)
Hammerfall (I still dig them in spite of line-up changes)
Helloween (except for PBGA and "Chameleon", they still go but I would like a better albm next time).