Bands you wish would come back?

Death, Gontyna Kry, Immortal, Abigor, Carcass (if they played grind again), Disciples of Power, October Tide, and more that I can't remember right now.
HardSide said:
So many bands have broken up/split over the years, the one I miss most is At the Gates, and Warrior Soul.

At the gates
Death(the original lineup)
Led Zeppelin(if they made another Led Zeppelin IV)
Metallica(original lineup when kirk hammet joined, not with mustaine)

PS: Coal Chamber, Rage against the machine
At The Gates
Led Zeppelin
At The Drive-In
Rage Against The Machine
The Police
The Ramones
The Sex Pistols
The Clash
emperor, immortal, the crown, dissection (i dont think jon will find anybody else), at the gates, and windir (how the fuck can that dude die of hypothermia?)
Almost every band I can think of has been mentionned...except Ebony tears which is not my favorite band but I still enjoyed their stuff once in a while. :)
I wish Carcass would have stopped after Heartwork. I barf on Swan Song.

I'd say Emperor but I like Zyklon a shit load, and At The Gates Im cool with SOTS being their last.

But I really REALLY wish Nsync would get back together.

god I hope you know Im joking.
Keep in mind some people would need to rise from the dead for some of these to happen!

AC/DC-I love Bon Scott era AC/DC and would really have liked to see them with him live.
At The Gates
Buckcherry-I thought they were a good replacement for Guns 'N Roses type hard rock.
Down-Phil is wasting his time in SJR in my opinion...
Led Zeppelin
Morbid Angel with David Vincent. Might happen someday but I doubt it. I just cannot get into them with another vocalist and I have tried numerous times.
MegaDave with the Rust In Peace lineup.
Sepultura with Max. This needs to happen...