Bass combo amp for metal

The old bass player in my band used to have some ampeg combo, b2 I think? ( well, he's playing with drew drummer now so maybe he could clarify)
But that fucker was heavy as fuck. I think most bass combos are too heavy to carry them by subway.
That's a tough one Marcus. You should check out the used stuff around the NY. I think mesa used to make a combo with a suitcase style pull out handle.
It might also be worth looking at 2x10" or 1x12" cabs and combine it with one of the new D-class amps (I vote for aguilar).
Thanks for the suggestions guys - honestly, unless anyone has any extreme objections, this little Markbass beast looks perfect


Rave reviews, 300 w, and only ~23 lbs, pretty rad
I agree with Sloan, if he can't leave it at the room I wouldn't want to be carrying it on the subway... And a combo small enough to carry wont powerful enough for band practice...
Hey Marcus, I think the concern is bass requires a lot more power and air to be heard. I had an SVT 3 pro and an ampeg 4x10 for a long time and I had to run it hard to keep up with two guitar cabs and a drum kit. 300 solid state watts should be ok but it doesn't equate to what that would mean for guitar. I think you'll be ok with this, I just don't have any direct experience.
Hey Marcus, I think the concern is bass requires a lot more power and air to be heard. I had an SVT 3 pro and an ampeg 4x10 for a long time and I had to run it hard to keep up with two guitar cabs and a drum kit. 300 solid state watts should be ok but it doesn't equate to what that would mean for guitar. I think you'll be ok with this, I just don't have any direct experience.

Wow, that's pretty ridiculous that you really had to push what essentially was an Ampeg half stack; fortunately though we'll be able to use the XLR out on the Markbass when there's a PA available!

And thanks wetpenny, I had forgotten about Carvin, I always liked their stuff
Going to preface this by saying that I MUCH prefer the Mark Bass tone to GK... but the GK MB112 is 1/3 the price and sounds better than the Mini IMO.
Can't anybody here read? :loco: 300 watts and rave reviews people (and they even call it their flagship combo), and and I know I've had my head blown off by plenty of 1x12 guitar amps

Ah man, I completely missed that... if they can offer 300W through that amp then do it, I've heard some good stuff about Markbass... My experience with small amps are ones that have always had low wattage :cry:

I still love you though Plague_Rider, us forum vets have to stick together :D

Love you too dude... forum lovage...