Bass distortion/overdrive

For me it depends on the sound idea. I try sometimes the old EH bigmuff for stoner rock. I also use the Sensamp bass DI driver and sometimes even a Boss SD1. As I say, depends on the sound idea. I also record the direct sound of bass by DI. So I have the chance to get a verry decent mix of both signals.

Franky y people recommend the bigmuff. I tried it with my bass and amp, and I'm not very impressed. I like the old boss OD-1 much more.

But besides distortion I mean a slight tube effect on bass. An kind of overdrive you would hear through a guitar wall, but what gives the bass more definition.
E.g. the new Nightwish-Album. But it is a little more than I mean.
Ampfarm has some pretty good distortions for bass, too, although I always use the Bass Driver during recording. I've never been a fan of the Big Muff, but have always found that the old Boss Overdrive and Distortion pedals, as well as the MXR Distortion+ gives me some pretty good bass distortion. But, I always reamp when going for bass distortion, as I never wanna get stuck with a great take but a distortion that doesn't fit.
we played a few shows with Immortal Souls from Finland and their bass player
uses the BigMuff too. Live and Studio.
While recording their last album they used 2 bass tracks. One directly into the
desk and the other one through the BigMuff -> Amp -> DI -> Desk.
And the sound is pretty descent.