Bass doesn't seem to be there...

yes makes sense, I find dealing with 1 bass hard work, now I gota do 3 OH shit!

They really thing in terms of a sound field, amazing ears
I've only just started to get "good" basstones as of late.

I use the D.I clean and treated for the low end, I high pass at 130hz and then on the Distorted tone, I low pass at about 140, cut between 250 - 400 and boost between 800 - 1000 if its a finger player, or 600 - 900 when it's pick.

I use TSS-> Cubase DaTube - > Mesa 4x12 Impulse, and I love the tone I get :)
the "3 bass tracks thing" isn't about duplicating a DI, it's about capturing the same performance in 3 different ways. IIRC from the jens bogren thread, TGCD bass was like one mic right in front of the 810 ampeg cab (probably a neumann, can't remember), another one a few feet away (on a chair, apparently. i think this was a shure of some sort), and the DI.
he said he did a hard pan on the two mics, and use the DI with very little lowend but some distortion in the middle. important to check in mono to avoid phase issues obviously.

edit: and no, bass wasn't double tracked all the time, just for some of the more mellow, bass driven parts.
the "3 bass tracks thing" isn't about duplicating a DI, it's about capturing the same performance in 3 different ways. IIRC from the jens bogren thread, TGCD bass was like one mic right in front of the 810 ampeg cab (probably a neumann, can't remember), another one a few feet away (on a chair, apparently. i think this was a shure of some sort), and the DI.
he said he did a hard pan on the two mics, and use the DI with very little lowend but some distortion in the middle. important to check in mono to avoid phase issues obviously.

edit: and no, bass wasn't double tracked all the time, just for some of the more mellow, bass driven parts.

+1 ! Forgot to add that the hard panned 2 went through amp :-)
Di was sansamp in TGCD dunno on this one but it seems more distorted though.
If your bass is being plucked, you want it to breathe around 400 hz (presence range) and possibly around 1.5khz (clarity range). If it's picked you want it to be dead around 200 hz to 500 hz since that range can be really obstrusive and muddy when picked. You actually want it to breathe over 800 hz (presence range) and still around 1.5khz (clarity range) and if you want to add more bass to the guitars tone you can boost in the 50 to 80 hz region while still notching somewhere so the kick can breathe in that region. These tips are only good when using a precision bass, since jazz bass have a completely different tone and feel. Finally, 120 to 200 hz is a good spot to kill on every bass since it makes alot of room and kills the boomyness. You could still put the bass and kick in the same mono bus with a compressor on if they hit at the same time troughout the song, it definatly helps giving the bass a tight and present sound. here's a tone i definatly like achieved with a picked fender precision bass with just about too much low end but still where it should probably be.
edit: and no, bass wasn't double tracked all the time, just for some of the more mellow, bass driven parts.

Ah, thanks, my mistake.

If it helps you out, here a couple of solo'd bass tones from mixes I've done recently that lots of people have liked the bass on, and the bass is always audible in some way. May help you get the frequencies right. Less around 2-300hz, more around 5-800hz.

I always like to use distortion, but otherwise taking the DI's and highpassing really high, like 1khz and then compressing, alongside the original bass tone, can provide some twang that'll cut thru.
Probably the second bass in Morgan C's clips are closest to the bass sound I know. This real grinding bass tone is not something I hear in Katatonia, in fact to me it sounds like the guitars generate most of the bass, now maybe I am wrong, but the heavy bass is in the left and right, nit in the center, however someone earlier suggested the bass is mainly doubled in the quieter parts, which would be different to what my ears are telling me, unless the bass is coming from the guitars.
Listen to the song "Bleeder" on the album Violence by Nothingface. Towards the end of the intro there's a break where you can clearly hear the bass. Upon further inspection the tone is completely absent of approx. 500Hz and surrounding frequencies.