Bass GROWL!!!

Doug Pinnick sez:

"I run a bass rig and a guitar amp together so I have dedicated amps for low and high frequencies. And I use a pick because it makes the attack more pronounced.

I use an Ampeg SVP-BSP preamp and a Randall MT guitar head, which gives me natural-sounding distortion — I haven’t been able to find a pedal that sounds as good. I use a Boss GE-7 EQ to dial out the two lowest frequencies of the Randall’s signal so it doesn’t break up as much and sounds more like a guitar. I also run signals from both amps into a Yamaha 32-band EQ to remove the guitar amp’s low end and the bass amp’s high end. Then I run into a mixer to blend the two sounds and send them to an Ampeg power amp, then on to six Ampeg 8x10 cabs. I use a Boss TU-2 tuner as a switcher box to mute the guitar amp. It is quite a setup."