Bass plugged in a guitar amp

i don't think it's bad for it in any way - it's just that the guitar amp won't be voiced for bass, and will likely yield an undesirable tone

i do have fun sometimes, tho, playing bass through my krank when i wanna get really durty
just don't crank it up loud. gotta figure if headphones can handle a bass after it's gone through a virtual amp or preamp, a guitar cab can. but either would blow if cranked I reckon. I'm typically a bit afraid to run a bass through my guitar cabs simply because I figured I'd try to turn it up too loud to hear it and go past the point of damage. I definitely wouldn't do it in a band practice/live situation.
I'm actually enjoying using ReValver and the Mesa Recto amp in it on bass, blended with a comp'ed to shit DI bass track. Using the Signal Splitter module to run two RIR modules for the distorted sound, one 4x12 guitar cab and one bass cab impulse (for teh beefz). Fuckin' durtay.

I heard a story about some guys playing at a rehearsal and the bass cabinet blew a speaker. They placed an extra guitar speaker in there in place and they only managed to play for 10 (ten) minutes before the guitar speaker blew. So, don't do it.

The reason is in frequency range and amplitude. A bass guitar has much more power behind the low notes, even if you tune a guitar to the same tuning as bass, not to mention how guitar pickups are scaled for more midrange response, and bass pickups are more for low frequencies. If you send in enough bass frequencies through a guitar amp, there's two things that can happen, either separately or at the same time: the bass frequencies clip (too much bass range in the power amp = clipping = rip-city for the speaker), or the bass level is simply too high for the speaker that was designed for midrange (guitar).

You can picture it as a flexible material tube that is designed for a table tenns ball to go through, and you'll push a tennis ball through it. A few will go through fine, but sooner or later there's going to be a rip.. and another... then the whole tube just cracks open.
No I don't want to use my guitar cab as a bass cab. It's because I did a test today for 10 minutes and after the test I plug my guitar and the volume seems lower than before
Can a guitar amp actually produce frequencies capable of killing the speakers? I could be wrong about this but I remember reading somewhere that unless you really did CRANK it it'd be fine, but if you actually use a bass amp/head through guitar speakers then it gets fucked pretty easily...?
just curious, why are you wanting to do this?

it won't sound as good as just recording a bass DI.

Well, I use both the DI and the amp track together, blended to taste. Getting the fat sound from the DI and the dirty/crunchy sound from the amp track, the distorted bass sound can be used to help out the guitars quite a bit to get certain sounds :)

I run bass through a guitar amp all the time.. I don't use my cab though. I record direct from the preamp and use recabinet impulses on it, then blend with a clean DI bass track. It really blends the bass and guitars together and makes for a thick, thick sound.