Bass sim?


Apr 6, 2009
Portland Oregon
Right now I'm not in the best situation to buy a bass guitar but my tracks are really needing that bottom end. How would I go about making my guitar sound like a bass in reaper?

Well what I do is I pitch shift down an octave, compress the living shit out of it, eq it a bit so it's not TOO boomy, and then low pass it so it's basically nothing but low end.
It's primitive as fuck and it definitely isn't the kind of bass sound you go searching for in a mix, but it fills out that frequency area well enough.

Check out mine and dcdanman's bow down cover posted in the rate my mix forum, 2nd page, the bass on there is just one of the guitar tracks pitch shifted down and octave and processed like that.
i added in a second track with wagner 0.2 distorting the top end (that was high passed pretty high) but I low passed basically all of that out on the bass group, so it wasn't really worth my time.
Haha, someone I know found a Hohner B2A in a "trash room" in their building or whatever you'd call 'em in english (the sort of place where people throw random shit, and the government's people come pick it up and sort it at their facilities) and it's working just fine! It's at my place right now and I'm guessing even that bass sounds better than pitch shifting a guitar :)

This is the B2A (not the one that was found though)


So if you're lucky, you might not even have to buy one! Keep your eyes open, hahaha
Haha, someone I know found a Hohner B2A in a "trash room" in their building or whatever you'd call 'em in english (the sort of place where people throw random shit, and the government's people come pick it up and sort it at their facilities) and it's working just fine! It's at my place right now and I'm guessing even that bass sounds better than pitch shifting a guitar :)

This is the B2A (not the one that was found though)


So if you're lucky, you might not even have to buy one! Keep your eyes open, hahaha

wow! awesome story! Btw I don't know how it's called in english either, in my language it's "deposito de basura" or trash deposit. I haven't heard one of these things but I'm correct they come with active EMGs right? if that's so it's a no-brainer, it sounds good