bass tone flow chart

Wow, that P-Bass sounds nothing like I thought it would, sounds awesome!

EDIT: I take it back, the J sounds way better through some distortion.
J-bass is driven a little harder by the avalon DI... a great unit... adds a decent amount of balls too! :)
I saw this breakdown from Roger Sadowsky and thought it related:
Fingerboard woods from brightest to warmest:

Maple: Tightest and brightest. Best for slap. Can produce more string and fret noise than others. Requires a finish to keep from turning dirty and grey.

Ebony: Not as bright as maple. Most immediate attack and punch of all our fingerboard woods. Note is more fundamental with less overtones. Best for fretless. Pure black ebony from Madagascar is limited. African ebony has some grey mottling but is still very beautiful.

Morado (also known as Caviuna, Bolivian Rosewood or Pau Ferro): Morado is not a true rosewood, but I have been a fan of this wood for fingerboards for 30 years. Also used a lot by Stu Spector. Grain is very tight and smooth. More warmth than maple or ebony, but tighter than East Indian Rosewood. Excellent wear resistance, even on a fretless. For fretless, produces a somewhat more acoustic/upright tone than ebony.

Madagascar Rosewood: A less expensive alternative to Brazilian Rosewood. Many boards have the spider-web like grain of Brazilian. Rich reddish brown colors. Can be more open grained that some others. Tone is in the same ballpark as Morado and Brazilian. New supplies are limited.

Amazon Rosewood (Dalbergia Spruciana): A new alternative to Brazilian Rosewood. A true cousin to Dalbergia Nigra, Amazon Rosewood is more similar to Brazilian than any other wood.

Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia Nigra): For me, the King of tonewoods for fingerboards and acoustic guitar sides and backs. Beautiful browns and blacks. Wood has very high oil content. Banned from export out of Brazil in log form since 1969. Currently protected by the CITES treaty which prevents shipment between countries without intensive permits. Same treaty that protects tortoise shell and ivory. We can only ship instruments with Brazilian Rosewood to a US address. No longer recommended to musicians who travel internationally.
Same as guitarists that waste most of their time shredding for 20 to 30 seconds of 'glory' per song, neglecting the rhythm playing that constitutes over 90% of it.

well, everyone has it in their head, that if they can shred, they can do anything....
soooo not true though.
Cant say im really into klanky bass tone I like mine to sound deep and husky . Neck thru maple x mahogany .
Anyon tried a Marleaux bass? It sound amazing in this clip...

Marleaux Basses are awesome, a friend of mine owns one and I try one everytime I visit a larger local shop.
Not sure if many guys around here would prefer that sound over a Jazz but I really dig it and I am more into cleaner
basssounds. They look good, have an awesome playability and sound great, but they cost alot, too :D