So, a signal flow question...


Jul 10, 2006
Yes, this is quite sad that I don't know this, but please forgive a sheltered ITB-mixing dude. I'm trying to understand the signal flow in large-format studios better.

In a studio where a large console is the center-piece (SSL, Trident, Neve, etc.), I also usually see Macs/Pro Tools in the equipment lists. I'm also assuming that for tracking, the consoles are used for their channel strips, then each channel strip feeds an input on the computer's interface? Is that much true?

Where from there? Are these consoles used during the mixing process or just tracking? How are the computers hooked up to these big analog consoles?

Or are these consoles more commonly used with tape? ADAT? External HDs (Alesis HD24 for example)?
Hopefully the soundcard has some outputs too.. These are often connected to the tape return on the console. It might me an in-line strip or a tape return section at the other side of the console. Or even to another console.