Bathory - best of the first five?

best of the first five Bathory records?

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New Metal Member
Jul 8, 2007
Youngstown, Ohio
which one is your pick?

I went with Blood Fire Death, its a great transitional record from the Satanic Motorhead worship of the early records to the epic viking metal Quorthon would be most famous for.
out of those, Hammerheart.

not sure why you left off the pinnacle of the "viking era", Twilight of the Gods. my first and favorite.
Self-titled but it could have easily been Under the Sign... or BFD, three albums I could play all day over and over.
Either BFD or Hammerheart, depending on my genre preference at any given time. Everything before BFD seems immature or undeveloped, though UTSOTBM is pretty well thought-out.

not sure why you left off the pinnacle of the "viking era", Twilight of the Gods. my first and favorite.

Well since Hammerheart is better, it doesn't really matter.
Voted Under the Sign of the Black Mark but seriously, that whole 84-90 discography is amazing. And Hammerheart would be just as good to me if the vocals were better.
Under The Sign of the Black Mark, easily.

Well since Under The Sign of the Black Mark is better, it doesn't really matter.

No love for the Under The Sign of the Black Mark, i am disappoint UM

Under The Sign of the Black Mark

Under The Sign of the Black Mark.

out of those, Under The Sign of the Black Mark

which one is your pick?

I went with Under The Sign of the Black Mark
Clearly, all of you are drunk and typed the wrong things, so FYP.