Battle of the Albums

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 30 SAVE
Vintersorg-Till Fjälls 26 KILL
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 20
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thundergod 28 KILL
Vintersorg-Till Fjalls 26
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 22 SAVE
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thundergod 26 this is annoying
Vintersorg-Till Fjalls 28 ain't worth the kill
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 22
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thundergod 26 this is annoying
Vintersorg-Till Fjalls 28 ain't worth the kill
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 22
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thundergod 24 KILL
Vintersorg-Till Fjalls 28
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 24 SAVE
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 26 keel
Vintersorg-Till Fjälls 26 keep
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 24
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14
No, the point of the each 12 hours vote is to wait for 12 hours and let other people vote too, who knows? Maybe in those 12 hours someone could have killed the band you voted for, if you don't wait the 12 hours the real stats are affected. Well, at least that would happen if more than 4 people were playing :lol:
^ thar we go :>

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 26 mrphhh
Vintersorg-Till Fjälls 26 mm
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 24
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14
lolol i can just imagine what these bands sound like diiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee! ddddeeeaaaaddd ddiieiieee kiillll :hypno:
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 24 still mrphhh
Vintersorg-Till Fjälls 28 mm
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion 24
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 14