Battle of the Albums

I want pray game.

Death - Symbolic 34 save
COB - Hatebreeder 34
Amorphis - Tales from a thousand lakes 16
In Flames - Colony 24 kill
Metallica - ...And Justice For All 14
You can't expect too much from someone advertises they are a Killswitch Engage fan.

I don't mind KSE. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I don't mind them; plus, their vocalist is pretty good.

But I still appreciate Symbolic (and Death in general).
I want pray game.

Death - Symbolic 34 save
COB - Hatebreeder 34
Amorphis - Tales from a thousand lakes 16
In Flames - Colony 24 kill
Metallica - ...And Justice For All 14

Death-Symbolic 34
COB-Hatebreeder 34
Amorphis-Tales from a thousand lakes 18 SAVE
In Flames-Colony 24
Metallica-...and Justice for all 12 KILL
Death-Symbolic 34
COB-Hatebreeder 32
Amorphis-Tales from a thousand lakes 16 Kill
In Flames-Colony 26
Metallica-...and Justice for all 14 Save
Some people didn't get the memo.... :rolleyes:

Death-Symbolic 34
COB-Hatebreeder 32 KILL
Amorphis-Tales from a thousand lakes 18
In Flames-Colony 26 SAVE
Metallica-...and Justice for all 12

eh, this forum keeps reminding me of high school, it wears drama like a veil.

Just sit back and enjoy the show.
eh, this forum keeps reminding me of high school, it wears drama like a veil.

Just sit back and enjoy the show.

Remember the time in highschool when the ugly kids made a video of themselves making out and telling the rest of the school to fuck off then put it in everyone's lockers? Me neither.

This place has a lot of stupid immature drama, but rarely is someone called an idiot and treated as such for no reason (for a long period of time, if that does happen usually the person shows it's not true and people begin to like them, like eveningninja :kickass:). If anyone here thinks that Chris hasn't earned his treatment and thinks we're just immature kids picking on him for no reason well then, read his post history. Even Deron has publicly said he's done with Chris and called him a baby.

This isn't an attack on Chris, I'm just saying he's consistently been a dipshit and instead of trying to improve his quality of posts or making amends he has opted for the "fuck you guys you're all shit I am an awesome singer, lead of my choir. I also work at the best rated radio show in the area, I meet famous bands and my girlfriend is hot. I'm an epic guy who's just ten pounds overweight" route... This is why people generally can't stand him.

I hope I opened his eyes some. Maybe he'll change.
Death - Symbolic 36 Save
COB - Hatebreeder 32
Amorphis - Tales from a thousand lakes 14 Kill
In Flames - Colony 26
Metallica - ...and Justice for all 14
As usual, Joe, you have taken a small situation and blown it totally out of proportion. Deron only said that about me because of a mistake I made while drunk, which I later admitted to, and you know that. And I don't see why I should make amends for having been attacked by you and Gonzo and everyone else who seems to think there's something wrong with having differing opinions. I've never said I was better than anyone, and anytime that I've given anyone shit for anything was either as a joke or because they came after me first. As far as "improving the quality of my posts," I'm not going to change my thoughts, feelings, or beliefs just because a bunch of people from the Internet don't agree with me. I've never sacrificed my beliefs for anything, and I don't intend to start now.

And as an aside, the fact that you had to lurk back a month and re-post that video is pretty pathetic, IMO. Shows that you either have way too much time on your hands to go back that far and find it, or else it means you've got it bookmarked so you can easily access it to poke fun at Marie and I whenever you want. Either way, that's the most extreme level of pettiness that I've ever seen.

You can say that I'm butthurt or that I'm bawwwwwwww-ing all you want. You're still being a massive hypocrite, though, by continuing to try and prove that you're better than me and continuing to bring me down every time I post. You're entitled to your opinion, and I won't ever question that, but trying to promote your opinions as gospel is something that I won't ever get behind.

tl;dr: Just cut it out already, it's getting old.
Guys, we all know this won't get anywhere and won't end good so let's just leave it like this :p
As usual, Joe, you have taken a small situation and blown it totally out of proportion. Deron only said that about me because of a mistake I made while drunk, which I later admitted to, and you know that. And I don't see why I should make amends for having been attacked by you and Gonzo and everyone else who seems to think there's something wrong with having differing opinions. I've never said I was better than anyone, and anytime that I've given anyone shit for anything was either as a joke or because they came after me first. As far as "improving the quality of my posts," I'm not going to change my thoughts, feelings, or beliefs just because a bunch of people from the Internet don't agree with me. I've never sacrificed my beliefs for anything, and I don't intend to start now.

No one wants you to change your opinions, just tone it down if you're capable. Since you joined you've been a whipping boy around here. There's a reason for that. Having an unpopular opinion is one thing, like The Butt, but he doesn't escalate shit to a bigger level, such as you have. I'm not going to discuss it, I brought something to your attention, if you want to keep it up, then go ahead.

And as an aside, the fact that you had to lurk back a month and re-post that video is pretty pathetic, IMO. Shows that you either have way too much time on your hands to go back that far and find it, or else it means you've got it bookmarked so you can easily access it to poke fun at Marie and I whenever you want. Either way, that's the most extreme level of pettiness that I've ever seen.

Well, actually the day you posted it I saved it to my photobucket with one simple click, incase a shitstorm erupted and you deleted the video before Nick got to see it. OMH I'M SUCH A LOSER I CLICKED A BUTTON.

That is the URL incase you're skeptical.
You can say that I'm butthurt or that I'm bawwwwwwww-ing all you want. You're still being a massive hypocrite, though, by continuing to try and prove that you're better than me and continuing to bring me down every time I post. You're entitled to your opinion, and I won't ever question that, but trying to promote your opinions as gospel is something that I won't ever get behind.

I'm not trying to prove I am better than you :lol: Honestly now. Like I would even have to do that after the behaviour you've demonstrated here.
No one wants you to change your opinions, just tone it down if you're capable. Since you joined you've been a whipping boy around here. There's a reason for that. Having an unpopular opinion is one thing, like The Butt, but he doesn't escalate shit to a bigger level, such as you have. I'm not going to discuss it, I brought something to your attention, if you want to keep it up, then go ahead.

Tone down what exactly? My contributing to the forum? I haven't attacked people who have different views than me. I accept that people like stuff that I don't, and I don't call them out on it. I've also let go a lot of shit lately that I could have gotten pissed about, like that series of demotivators that were posted a few weeks ago. I don't know what you mean by escalating - maybe some clarification there would be helpful.

And I really don't feel like getting into this here. If you really want to talk to me and "help me," as you've claimed to want to do in the past, you can talk to me on MSN. It's entirely up to you.
I'm fine with that. Last thing I want is for another flame war to start. Even though I know it will, because people can't defend themselves without that happening.

This is exactly what starts flame wars. You could have just left it as "I'm fine with that. Last thing I want is for another flame war to start." but nooo, you had to be a cunt.