Battle Of The Bands

Primordial - 18
Six Feet of Foreplay - 32 - Save - SFOF does not deserve to be in the hall of fame but it's the only good band here.
Equillibrium - 18 Kill
Repugnant - 20
Gorefest - 22

Lol Ulver replaced by a band named "Gorefest" -_-
Primordial - 14 KILL
Six Feet of Foreplay - 32
Equillibrium - 20 SAVE
Repugnant - 20
Gorefest - 24

Gorefest kicks some serious ass, good add man.

There's a lot of guwd bands now imo.
Primordial - 12
Six Feet of Foreplay - 34 SAVE!! Gang bang gang bang its a zombie gangbang!
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 22 KILL That shit fucking sucks by Thor

Oh yeah and Repugnant is pretty wicked Scavneck, won't be killing them anymore :D
Primordial - 10 Kill
Six Feet of Foreplay - 36 Save
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 22

When The Dead Walk The Earth has always been my favorite Gorefest song
Novembers Doom and Agalloch in the hall of guys fucking suck! :\

Thanks for showing those videos of Gorefest, I now know the true meaning of lame metal.
Novembers Doom and Agalloch in the hall of guys fucking suck! :

Yeah really, Tool, Ulver, Novembers Doom, Agalloch, King Crimson, Nile, and Deathspell Omega in the hall of the shame. I can't fucking believe it. All of those bands rule.
Yeah really, Tool, Ulver, Novembers Doom, Agalloch, King Crimson, Nile, and Deathspell Omega in the hall of the shame. I can't fucking believe it. All of those bands rule.

Well what can you do? Just let them be ignorant...

Primordial - 8
Six Feet of Foreplay - 38 Save
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 22 Kill - And those vids you posted... Fucking crap tbh. His vocals was so fucking bad, sounds like a gurgeling german.
Yeah really, Tool, Ulver, Novembers Doom, Agalloch, King Crimson, Nile, and Deathspell Omega in the hall of the shame. I can't fucking believe it. All of those bands rule.

So what? some of my favorite bands are in there too, you don't see me crying about it. In fact, I bet everyone here likes at least one band that's been sent to the hall of shame. It's just a fucking forum game, get over it.
Well what can you do? Just let them be ignorant...

Primordial - 8
Six Feet of Foreplay - 38 Save
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 22 Kill - And those vids you posted... Fucking crap tbh. His vocals was so fucking bad, sounds like a gurgeling german.

And you sound like a mother who hasn't had no one get into her panties for a long time, and I'm not saying that because of the bands you like/dislike.

Primordial - 10 KILL
Six Feet of Foreplay - 38
Equillibrium - 20 SAVE
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 20

sir schwanzelot you should be helping me here to save Equilibrium, not many people here like this kind of Folk.