Battle Of The Bands

And you sound like a mother who hasn't had no one get into her panties for a long time, and I'm not saying that because of the bands you like/dislike.

Wow, we are getting personal here. Im just saying that the band sucked ass wich it does. No need to insult me because of that. But sure if you want to look like an idiot go ahead.
Primordial - 12 SAVE
Six Feet of Foreplay - 38
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 18 KILL

tbh i really hate his vocals, if you can call them that
sir schwanzelot you should be helping me here to save Equilibrium, not many people here like this kind of Folk.

I don't really care much about how well they're doing in a forum game...they're fucking brilliant, don't care if they'Re in the hall of shame/fame :)

I agree with katatonic about the gorefest vocalist though. he's pretty awful
Primordial - 10 Kill
Six Feet of Foreplay - 40 hall of fame
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 18

The way you're talking (katatonic89) in general insults everyone who may like that certain band. So expect some of it back unless that's too hard of a thought to process. Who cares about your tastes, I sure don't. But don't claim us to be ignorant if we are not interested in metal that shares alot of those 'emo' elements.

New band = Vital Remains
Yeah, I dislike your comments, all that judging, cursing and arrogance

What's the problem, honestly, I just said that I thought the band sucked. Apparently you like it, good for you but I did not seek to offend anyone when saying stuff like that. And what's so terrible about saying "fucking" twise? I bet they sing more horrible things in the music you listen to every day.

The way you're talking (katatonic89) in general insults everyone who may like that certain band. So expect some of it back unless that's too hard of a thought to process. Who cares about your tastes, I sure don't. But don't claim us to be ignorant if we are not interested in metal that shares alot of those 'emo' elements.

Hah, "emo elements", yeah Ulver, Agalloch, King Crimson is really emo. Get a fucking clue. I bet you dont even know what emo is... Is that the reson why you dont listen to bands like that? Are afraid that people might think you are an emo?

Isnt the point of this thread to kill the bands you dont like and save those you like and motivate why? It has everything to do with all our tastes.

But if you want to be mad at me because I say that I think a band that you like sucks, go a head.
Nope, but I answer when people talk to me.

You suck man, and I'm starting to think you talk the way you do because no one would talk to you any other way.

If that's not how it is, then all I can advice you is to try to sound less arrogant and insulting.

Oh but wait, now your gonna say how I'm nobody to tell you what kind of attitude is right and how people do talk to you.

I'm saying here at the forum, don't know and care what you do in your real life.
Cool it everybody please, if you get upset when somebody expresses an opinion you don't agree with, why are you even on a forum? And chill out to the Katatonic89 dude, he's cool.

Primordial - 8
Equillibrium - 20 KILL, all viking/folk crap must die
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 20 SAVE
Vital Remains - 20

Gorefest obviously have earned their credit in the European Metal scene during the mid-nineties, but I can imagine JC's vocals are a love it or hate it affair. Try the "False" album then, not only is it an absolute Death Metal classic, it also stems from the time before he adopted his current vocal style. He uses a proper death growl there. Awesome album.
Primordial - 12 SAVE
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 16 KILL
Vital Remains - 20

I don't know any of the other bands. Primordial sort of bugs me but I like them a hell of a lot more than Gorefest.
Hah, "emo elements", yeah Ulver, Agalloch, King Crimson is really emo. Get a fucking clue. I bet you dont even know what emo is... Is that the reson why you dont listen to bands like that? Are afraid that people might think you are an emo?

Get over yourself, I just did the same thing to you as you did to us and now you're all whiney about it haha.

Cool it everybody please, if you get upset when somebody expresses an opinion you don't agree with, why are you even on a forum? And chill out to the Katatonic89 dude, he's cool.

Primordial - 8
Equillibrium - 20 KILL, all viking/folk crap must die
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 20 SAVE
Vital Remains - 20

Gorefest obviously have earned their credit in the European Metal scene during the mid-nineties, but I can imagine JC's vocals are a love it or hate it affair. Try the "False" album then, not only is it an absolute Death Metal classic, it also stems from the time before he adopted his current vocal style. He uses a proper death growl there. Awesome album.

Respect is all anyone ever asks for and honestly, we should all be over an IQ of 120 here so technically it's not hard to understand. I can tell you have the idea, seeing the way you talk. I wanted Facebreaker to be in the hall of fame but I didn't freak out and call other bands bullshit when they got booted. It ruins the whole fun of it, it's like going golfing with someone who pouts over every ball they lose. Katatonic just isn't a fun guy to play golf with.

I do admit to saying more than I should about certain bands at times, but I also do it out of a natural tendency. I want someone to prove to me someday that Death Metal isn't the king of genres, I like competition. It's how I got into Death Metal in the first place. Because someone smart enough explained to me why it's so superior, and it made sense. So I listened and after a couple listens I really liked it and seen what they were talking about.
Primordial - 10 Kill
Equillibrium - 20
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 16
Vital Remains - 22 Save - Check out Icons of Evil and Dechristianize, both grade A albums. Glen Benton sounds way better with them than Deicide IMO
Nothing Im just pissed that Ulver (Ulver FFS!!!) ends up in the hall of shame. And I dont like Gorefest at all.

I know it's just a forum game but still Ulver in the hall of shame... >.<
It's quite fun to read that coming from someone who says half of all Ulvers albums are shit.


Primordial - 10
Equillibrium - 22 save
Repugnant - 22
Gorefest - 16
Vital Remains - 20 kill