Battle of the Bands

Fixing a score:

Death: 28 SAVE that was an easy choice
Death: 28 SAVE
28+2= 30
All those who killed Cannibal Corpse while Nevermore was on the list should be in the HALL OF GAY!!

Death: 28
(Been there, done that list!)
Death- 30
Death: 30 SAVE OMFG
30+2= 32
Death: 28 fuck you!
32-2= 30
Death 28 LIVE CHUCK!!! LIVE!!!!
30+2= 32
Death 30 SAVE
32+2= 34
Death 32 SAVE
34+2= 36
Death 34 SAVE
36+2= 38
Death 34
Nope, 38
Death 32 Kill
38-2= 36
Death 34 SAVE
36+2= 38

Behemoth 28
Death 36 Save
Circus Maximus 14
Dark Tranquillity 22
Nevermore 24 Kill
38+2= 40

DarKxStaR- you saved Death, pick a new band! Two people long before you didn't add or subtract.

Firstly, you're grossly generalising and exaggerating due to your own bias. Secondly, what you find "boring", others find expressive and inspiring. You can say thats pretentious if you want, but that's what Opeth do.

I've already said before:
"Meh, Opeth are one of those bands that have that "something" about them, and it either hits you or it doesn't. If it doesn't hit you then you'll probably think they suck or that they're "just alright". But if it does hit you then you'll probably think they're one of the best and most unique bands out there, and that anyone who disagrees is an uncultured philistine."
Thank you.
Joe, check out Sanctuary's Refuge Denied and Into the Mirror Black and give Warrel another chance. THis was back when he sounded like Rob Halford on helium :lol:

Second vote for the day:

Behemoth 22 KILL (shit vocals)
Testament 20
Circus Maximus 12
Dark Tranquillity 24
Nevermore 30 Save