Battle of the Bands

testament 1988
destruction 1984
exodus 1983 but they weren't thrash then
kreator 1985
death angel 1983 but it couldn't be as good as slayer's show no mercy

just get BG and SX up in the hall of fame and i wont give a shit about any other bands :lol unless its nevermore

lady_relic:that 4chan img wont work because 4chan only keeps 10 pages and anything beyond that is automatically deleted from the server/system. it would be way to much upkeep for them to keep everything because that'd be like 1000000tb
...proof of your faggotry is in that post alone! Yes, Kreator is a fuckload better but calling Slayer worst trash metal band eve is blasphemy!!!!

No it isn't, Slayer weren't the first Thrash Metal band and are boring as fuck compared to the bands that came before and after them.
lady_relic:that 4chan img wont work because 4chan only keeps 10 pages and anything beyond that is automatically deleted from the server/system. it would be way to much upkeep for them to keep everything because that'd be like 1000000tb
Oh I know it won't work. It's there just for the fact that Nick tried to use it to justify what he said. The irony, a 4chan link. In fact when he first sent it to me for some reason it didn't work.
No! YOU!

...proof of your faggotry is in that post alone! Yes, Kreator is a fuckload better but calling Slayer worst trash metal band eve is blasphemy!!!!
Dude... calm down. Do you realize how stupid this "fight"/debate/whateverthefuck is? You don't see me crying about Opeth being killed or belittled... and no, I'm not putting Opeth and Slayer on the same par.
^^Don't take my that seriously. And i am calm:p As calm as i can be...
Also...i didn't even know Slayer was now in the "battle". Not before you said it.

And yes...Slayer ARE overrated. They're still good IMO.

No it isn't, Slayer weren't the first Thrash Metal band and are boring as fuck compared to the bands that came before and after them.

I never said Slayer was first. That was some other guy. Slayer however did revolutionize trash metal quite a bit!