Be Carefull


Brains for breakfast said:
Alchohol tends to change ones personality a lot too.
Sure, there's some cons with smoking weed. It ain't all good, but so are a lot of things, like loud music, ciggaretes and having sex. Should we ban those?
In my oppinion it is your own responsibility if you use stuff or not. Most people that take drugs are NOT carjacking criminals that rape small animals and kill their parrents. In fact, most criminality caused by drugs, is caused by drugs being illegal in the first place. Want me to describe?

Because a substance is illegal, gangs and drug lords have a possible way of revenue. These gangs uphold their grip on the market with a lot of violence.
Also, drugs will be hard to come by, with having to be secretly grown, smuggled and sold in secrecy, thus skyracketing the price. Any addict will have problems supporting their addiction with such prices, and will steal to keep supporting this.
Thnik about this, when the US banned alchohol in the '20s, what happened?
A lot of crime, thats what happened. And when people were allowed their booze again, this crime vanished.

So long as your not hurting others, drugs are your own resaponsibility. So uncle government doesn't want me to take a stoogie because it's bad for ME? What's next? Their going to tell me to stop listen to metal because it is bad taste music?
They all smoke pot, not just Lopez. I'm leaving for Tulsa tomorrow, and needless to say, when Opeth comes on, I will be high as a kite. From Marijuana. Fuck synthetics substances.
I think it's the first time I saw you posting serious. That's odd.

Profanity said:
Obviously because drugs are taking away your full concentration for the music.
The only thing drugs can do is alter your perception of the music which can make listening more interesting. However, at a concert you want to focus on the music and appreciate the music by letting music have its natural effect on you.
For fu*ks sake. When ytou're high on drugs anything can be an enjoyable and interesting listening experience.

I don't have problems with it either, I used to smoke weed and because of some health problems I had, I quit. The smell isn't so bad, but for people that doesn't even tolerate cigars it's quite annoying when you're trying to enjoy the concert or whatever the fuck you're in.

Metalloid said:
i don't smoke weed but I don't have any problem with it at shows. do you guys seriously think it smells THAT bad...come on...

Darkfloyd said:
A lot of people were smoking weed in detroit, the stuff smell and it sucks when it gets blown in your face. I say smoke at home, not at concerts, or at least before or after.

That would rule.

[KOTNO]Narrot said:
oink, i was refering to tool's and dream theater's fans, not the bands. i have heard so many times 'you are not smart enough to understand their music' by fans of these two bands that it really started getting on my nerves...

What? I'm a Tool fan and a Dream Theater fan and I don't think I'm superior because I listen to them. To each their own.
Because everyday you know people who listen to metal or progressive music and for example, you name a progressive band and they say: there's no way in hell that they are better than Dream Theater' and that pisses me off too. Maybe I didn't express myself in the right way. I like Dream Theater and I'm sure there are lots of bands out there way better than them.

Looking for a Job said:
so you're saying that people are different than each other? weird
Metalloid said:
since you guys seem to be fairly interested in this topic, here is a great site to check out, and it is extremely easy to get some quick information, you don't have to read essays, it's just the facts.

and check out the main site which will direct you to everything else:

cool, thanks mr.david, i'll check em out tomorrow