Be Carefull

like i said, for me... all marijuana does is intensify my senses... colours, sounds etc. seem more vivid to me after a joint (which is why I would enjoy a concert so much with a joint)... not to mention it is one hell of a stress-reliever...

these are my reasons for smoking... other people can have their own reasons, but I don't see why somone would smoke to act like an idiot...
THC (the active ingredient in cannabis) binds to cannabimoid receptor sites and this sends a signal to the dopamine terminal to release more dopamine and the brain systems utilizing dopamine may be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Studies at Yale University have proven by giving people THC injections can bring psychotic like symptoms and cause a relapse in patients already suffering from schizophrenia.

:lol: Psychiatric wards will soon be full of Metalheads who thought it was cool to smoke pot at concerts.
Profanity said:
THC (the active ingredient in cannabis) binds to cannabimoid receptor sites and this sends a signal to the dopamine terminal to release more dopamine and the brain systems utilizing dopamine may be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Studies at Yale University have proven by giving people THC injections can bring psychotic like symptoms and cause a relapse in patients already suffering from schizophrenia.

:lol: Psychiatric wards will soon be full of Metalheads who thought it was cool to smoke pot at concerts.

that post just reminded me of the 1930's propaganda documentary Reefer Madness.. im sure some of you have seen that.. we're all gonna get high, laugh uncontrollably and shoot, rape, and stab people!
there was once a time when people said the following would occurr if marijuana was smoked...

1) Satan would speak to you.
2) You would kill your parents.
3) Boys would turn into girls. (im not making this up)
and after the doctors smoked it..satan was your parents whom you killed because u had 2 gay fathers.. good enough?
Stimuli said:
there was once a time when people said the following would occurr if marijuana was smoked...

1) Satan would speak to you.
2) You would kill your parents.
3) Boys would turn into girls. (im not making this up)

There was once a time when people thought that abnormality resulted from possession by the devil. We now know that's not the case. Research causes theories to change.
Darkhammer said:
and after the doctors smoked it..satan was your parents whom you killed because u had 2 gay fathers.. good enough?

My point was serious. Drugs which mess around with dopamine have been proven to be involved in psychosis.
Alchohol tends to change ones personality a lot too.
Sure, there's some cons with smoking weed. It ain't all good, but so are a lot of things, like loud music, ciggaretes and having sex. Should we ban those?
In my oppinion it is your own responsibility if you use stuff or not. Most people that take drugs are NOT carjacking criminals that rape small animals and kill their parrents. In fact, most criminality caused by drugs, is caused by drugs being illegal in the first place. Want me to describe?

Because a substance is illegal, gangs and drug lords have a possible way of revenue. These gangs uphold their grip on the market with a lot of violence.
Also, drugs will be hard to come by, with having to be secretly grown, smuggled and sold in secrecy, thus skyracketing the price. Any addict will have problems supporting their addiction with such prices, and will steal to keep supporting this.
Thnik about this, when the US banned alchohol in the '20s, what happened?
A lot of crime, thats what happened. And when people were allowed their booze again, this crime vanished.

So long as your not hurting others, drugs are your own resaponsibility. So uncle government doesn't want me to take a stoogie because it's bad for ME? What's next? Their going to tell me to stop listen to metal because it is bad taste music?
personally i dont get this responsibility thing. I think that the government should do all in their power to stop people taking drugs because they ARE detrimental to health, people can still take them but some sort of all out campaign should be started. Saying drugs make you creative is ridiculously uninspiried, unoriginal and untrue. I feel genuinely for the ones who are addicted but i dont feel as much for the ones who do it because "its cool" or similar
Brains for breakfast said:
Alchohol tends to change ones personality a lot too.

Not really.

In the short term Alcohol penetrates the brain passing through the frontal lobe which causes loss of reason, caution and inhibitions and the parietal lobe causing loss of fine motor skills and the occipital lobe causing blurred vision and poor distance perceptionand eventually reaching the brain stem which causes severe neurological effects including loss of function. None of that changes your personality and for aggressive impulses to come out when you're drunk, they have to be there in the first place.

In the long term Alcohol's main effect is the nerve cell loss which sometimes can't be replaced when too many have been lost. Other changes in the brain such as the shrinkage of dendrites are transient and can be easily reversed with absistence.

THC (the active ingredient in cannabis) changes the way in which receptors work and as I outlined earliercannabis can lead to psychosis. Alcohol doesn't change the brain chemistry in the way in which cannabis can and in the long term alcohol almost certainly doesn't physically change someones personality in the way cannabis does even though it might do psychologically.
he knows his stuff. Alcohol mainly damages the liver, more a physically damaging drug than a psychologically damagin one
Nairolf said:
I think that the government should do all in their power to stop people taking drugs because they ARE detrimental to health, people can still take them but some sort of all out campaign should be started.

Do you think the government has an endless pit of money and you mean like the government are doing with tobacco smoking which is one of the biggest burdens on many governments.
Profanity said:
Intresting stuff

I understand that. But did you ever deal with alchohlics close by? The pure chemical compunds in alchohol vs THC seem to be that THC changes ones personality in a biochemical way, but when you compare THC addicts to alchohol addicts, the (ab)use of alchohol seems to have a more personality changing effect, psychologicly speaking.

Nairolf said:
personally i dont get this responsibility thing. I think that the government should do all in their power to stop people taking drugs because they ARE detrimental to health, people can still take them but some sort of all out campaign should be started. Saying drugs make you creative is ridiculously uninspiried, unoriginal and untrue. I feel genuinely for the ones who are addicted but i dont feel as much for the ones who do it because "its cool" or similar

Candy is detrimal to health (you know what overweight people cost for society?) Ciggarettes are detrimal to health (same), wacthing telly is detrimal to health. Ok, so the government should provide information for the bad effects, because an undeducationed mind is also detrimal for health. But it should be information, not christian/conservative propaganda. It's stll your own choice to take them, people are not misguided sheep, they can make choices themselves, be that good or bad ones.

Some people listen to Opeth to be cool. Maybe we should ban Opeth too?
i agree, i dont think i articulated myself well at all in what i said, agree with you. I cant be bothered right now to articulate my opinion though but i agree
Nairolf said:
personally i dont get this responsibility thing. I think that the government should do all in their power to stop people taking drugs because they ARE detrimental to health, people can still take them but some sort of all out campaign should be started. Saying drugs make you creative is ridiculously uninspiried, unoriginal and untrue. I feel genuinely for the ones who are addicted but i dont feel as much for the ones who do it because "its cool" or similar

Who the hell would do drugs to be cool?
Brains for breakfast said:
I understand that. But did you ever deal with alchohlics close by? The pure chemical compunds in alchohol vs THC seem to be that THC changes ones personality in a biochemical way, but when you compare THC addicts to alchohol addicts, the (ab)use of alchohol seems to have a more personality changing effect, psychologicly speaking.....

correct me if I'm wrong, but THC and Alchohol are not physically addictive. They can be psychologicly addictive, I understand.
Personally, I could tell someone is an alcoholic from a mile away... on the other hand, i work at a retail store and tons of rich-lookin' lawyer folk come in and tell me they smoke pot... but I would never suspect it because they are normal, sober, intelligent people...

Now Profanity, you do seem to be well read on this subject. I have read up a little on all types of drugs but clearly not to the same extent as you... so i don't doubt that you know what you're talking about. However just from your day to day experience, don't the majority of alcoholics seem way more effected and worse off when compared to the potheads you know???

I'm aware this isn't true all the time because I know some potheads who are serious fuckin' bumbs...