Be Carefull

NeverIsForever said:
They're cracking down on drugs at concerts? Good. I'm straight edge but I've spent my fair share of time around stoners and I don't see how people can possibly claim they understand music "better" while under the influence of something. The people I know that smoke weed are usually stupid to begin with and only get worse when they're high.

Maybe you don't understand because you're straight edge and you've never tried it for yourself.

siehfwserfs said:
in fact long term abuse can certainly make you dumber.

Maybe with alcohol because it produces toxins, but certainly not with marijuana.
NeverIsForever said:
They're cracking down on drugs at concerts? Good. I'm straight edge but I've spent my fair share of time around stoners and I don't see how people can possibly claim they understand music "better" while under the influence of something. The people I know that smoke weed are usually stupid to begin with and only get worse when they're high.
i agree with you on so many things :tickled:
Looking for a Job said:
hahahahahahaahahaha, most ignorant statement of the year, @ "toxins"

anyway, if you do drugs, you're an idiot, period. however, i don't care if you do them. and i don't really care where you do them. pretty much every show/concert i've been to, i've smelt some weed. frankly i can't imagine not smelling it. almost feels un-concerty

Well, uh, they do produce toxins.
I asked one and he told me this:

A toxin is a substance that causes injury to the health of a living thing on contact or absorption, typically by interacting with biological macromolecules such as enzymes and receptors. The term is usually reserved for naturally produced substances that kill rapidly in small quantities, such as the bacterial proteins that cause tetanus and botulism. The word "toxic" is used more loosely and often applied to non-biological materials, as in "toxic waste" and "toxicology."

Ingestable toxins are also often referred to as poisons, especially when intentionally administered by a human. Animal toxins that are delivered subcutaneously (e.g. by sting or bite) are also called venom. In normal usage, a poisonous organism is one that is harmful to consume, but a venomous organism uses poison to defend itself while still alive. A single organism can be both venomous and poisonous.
I concur that Pot does indeed make people stupid. As does alcohol.

I prefer alcohol. I have fun when I'm drunk...i've never enjoyed getting high. (though I've only tried maybe twice in my life)
Alcohol isn't and doesn't produce toxins or poisons per se, it deadens the autonomous functions (like your heartbeat or breating) in the body, and in the case of alcohol poisoning, can stop them completely.

Pot isn't a toxin or poison either in and of itself, although when smoked, the tar gets in you lungs, same as smoking tobacco, with the same health risks that implies. However, when eaten, no such tar gets in your lungs. At this point, there is some evidence that long term abuse can cause reporductive organ issues, and possibly minor brain damage. Pot also has medical positives, and is used to treat glaucoma, pain, and stomach disorders. Pot alters brain chemistry, and affects people in differnt ways, some good and some bad.
fhare said:
Alcohol isn't and doesn't produce toxins or poisons per se, it deadens the autonomous functions (like your heartbeat or breating) in the body, and in the case of alcohol poisoning, can stop them completely.

Pot isn't a toxin or poison either in and of itself, although when smoked, the tar gets in you lungs, same as smoking tobacco, with the same health risks that implies. However, when eaten, no such tar gets in your lungs. At this point, there is some evidence that long term abuse can cause reporductive organ issues, and possibly minor brain damage. Pot also has medical positives, and is used to treat glaucoma, pain, and stomach disorders. Pot alters brain chemistry, and affects people in differnt ways, some good and some bad.

Doesn't alcohol damage the cannaboid receptors? Ah, I don't really know about that alcohol. I just know THC is attracted to the cannaboid receptors and stimulates them.

Oh, and I found this:

"Another popular myth states that smoking marijuana causes reproductive system damage. In reality, there is no permanent change in reproductive function. Smoking marijuana has been shown to temporarily lower sperm counts in humans, but the sperm levels return to normal once marijuana consumption had ceased (3)."
TehLeperAffinity said:
Doesn't alcohol damage the cannaboid receptors? Ah, I don't really know about that alcohol. I just know THC is attracted to the cannaboid receptors and stimulates them.

er, no, it affects the central nervous system, the more alcohol in your blood and the longer it's there, the deeper into the brain it gets affecting more and more critical systems until you drop stone dead of respitory failure, or some other pleasantry.

TehLeperAffinity said:
Oh, and I found this:
"Another popular myth states that smoking marijuana causes reproductive system damage. In reality, there is no permanent change in reproductive function. Smoking marijuana has been shown to temporarily lower sperm counts in humans, but the sperm levels return to normal once marijuana consumption had ceased (3)."

The jury is out, methinks. I don't have time to wade through the HUGE volumes of shyte on the internet on this subject, and assess underlying agenda's and such. As far as I know right now, noone has proved anything serious beyond "We filled this room with enough weed smoke to asphyxiate a herd of fully grown brontosaurs. If you go in and die, we've proven conclusivly that pot can kill you too."
if you are predisposed genetically to mental health problems these could be triggered by smoking. However, new research suggests that if you are young and you smoke a lot of cannabis, you could be altering your brain chemistry in such a way that you could be much more prone to mental illness. These are just preliminary findings, but a lot more research is being done along these lines.
i could care less about people doing drugs at shows and i don't care if i smell it... and if anyone wants to share, that's cool too...
i think that cops should find better shit to work on than busting kids at a metal show.
WAY bigger problems. get the upper-level dealers, that's where the shit happens, not with folks at music shows. fuck.
T-Rat said:
i could care less about people doing drugs at shows and i don't care if i smell it... and if anyone wants to share, that's cool too...
i think that cops should find better shit to work on than busting kids at a metal show.
WAY bigger problems. get the upper-level dealers, that's where the shit happens, not with folks at music shows. fuck.

As long as there is someone buying, then there will be someone selling. Don't they teach nothin in school nowadays? Ass backwards...
Profanity said:
if you are predisposed genetically to mental health problems these could be triggered by smoking. However, new research suggests that if you are young and you smoke a lot of cannabis, you could be altering your brain chemistry in such a way that you could be much more prone to mental illness. These are just preliminary findings, but a lot more research is being done along these lines.

Yes, LOTS more research is needed. I volunteer. :loco:

And by mental illness, I assume you mean creating an Avatar of a giant ass blowing ass smegma out it's, er... orifice?!

naturally, but if they go after the big guys then the little guys can't get it...
and it's the big guys who have the guns... it's the even bigger guys who get it here if it's coming from abroad... and more big guys producing abroad, say in afgahnistan... hmmm

fhare said:
As long as there is someone buying, then there will be someone selling. Don't they teach nothin in school nowadays? Ass backwards...
fhare said:
it is also possible to use weed responsibly (in my opinion). Please remember there are quite a few recreational users who do not abuse weed, and who are quite intelligent.

such as some incedible musicians .. Cliff Burton, Devin Townsend, the (dare I say it) Beatles... me, lol... the list goes on
T-Rat said:
naturally, but if they go after the big guys then the little guys can't get it...
and it's the big guys who have the guns... it's the even bigger guys who get it here if it's coming from abroad... and more big guys producing abroad, say in afgahnistan... hmmm

so, by going after the big guys for the last oh 30 years, where has that gotten anyone? It's gotten a lot of Columbian judges killed, but hasn't even dented the supply of drugs in the USA as far as I can tell.