be nice to profanity

Well, i'm new here, but from what I've read it seems profanity is the salt and pepper of the forum. Humanity owes a lot to people like him (it's him, right?)
Yeah let's be nice by either ignoring him or putting him out of his misery
it's probably for the worst if we give him some happiness cause his life is going to be nothing but suffering.
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THIS IS WRONG! Ecksmas is just an excuse for people to be assholes eleven months of the year!

That being said, I think Profanity is a sparkling bundle of love and you should all be nice to him. Even if it only is because you want to better than him.
Profånity said:
Thank you everyone for suddenly being nice to me,
Your welcome, hey profanity , why dont you try and post things that are ok for a bit and see what ppl say , they may even carry on bein nice to you :)