Beautiful Opeth album covers

Still Life easily has my favorite cover art. Orchid is simple but nice. My Arms, Your Hearse has a really bleak feeling and relates to the album well. All of them are awesome though.
LadyValerie said:
What's dance of death?
Black Session said:
it's very obvious you are american ... since such buildings in woody areas, near a lake, are not at all strange in europe ... oh well, go find some books about architecture from the 16th century till the 19th or so, especially about parcs and stuff ... you'll be amazed (if you like that sort of stuff) ...

isn't it wonderful how european culture never stops to amaze you americans :p ... albeit mostly in ways that most americans don't realize ...

@Rahan: haha, Leffe is great ;) ... all Belgian beer is :p

Yes, I am American...:cry:
Should I be ashamed? ::kicks self::
Orchid is a crummy cover and the MAYH and Deliverance ones are sorta bland as well. But I would love to blow up the SL, BWP, and Morningrise covers and throw em on my wall. I lose myself looking at those covers.
I think Morningrise an Still life are the coolest...
I have always wondered why the reflection of the cross on the water surface is a person (still life)... I cant link it into my point of view of the story, could someone explain?
Maiden! Eddie! Jesus!
Had to stay overnight at mate's mate in London after one of the gigs, and that bloke, he was maaad bout Iron Maiden. He even had this: (and of course, I couldn't resist taking a picture)
