That Guerrilla is a cocky fuck voting for himself 33 times
I think he needs to wake up and smell the glue.
Is he really a paint huffer? I swear I seen him on COPS on time
Geting busted in a alley huffin' a big bag of spray paint.
He was with some dude with stretch marks around his mouth
You jealous cunts, you know polls won't allow a person to vote more than once... That's right I only voted for myself once ya fucks get over it!!!! People think I'm better looking than you!!!
Shut the fuck up. What was I supposed to do, vote for someone twice my age? No, I happen to be more inclined to vote for someone closer to my age. You would've flamed the Hell out of me had I voted for, say, ledmag. So, either way, I can't "win" with you, so I don't even try.
I'm not still in high school. Yay!
Anyway, Lord of Metal, your picture, composition wise, is really cool becuase there's you in front, and then there are people behind you, but you kind of just look removed from the scene. I don't know if that makes sense, or if anyone else sees it like that, but I'm a photographer, so I kind of am trained to see things a little differently. Hmm.
What do you think about my pic? My cousin took it at TEH BEACH... He wants to study photography and stuff... I guess you can't say much about it cause it's only my face... the actual pic is bigger and includes other things as well. However in my pic there's a person in the background too that one fat lady on the top left. Huh? Huh?
Because Guerilla posted this and he knew that if we were voting based on personality, he'd get his uptight ass kicked. Therefore, he created a shallow competition in which he somehow manipulated the votes (I really, honestly do not believe that all of those votes came from separate parties)
Alright. This 14-year-old cunt is done bitching. For now.
Well I don't know what's going on... I voted for myself only once. Now if there's someone who loves me so much that heerr: )/she voted for me 33 times it's not my fault.