I had these chillie and garlik calimari at a Vietnamise restaurant when I was in holiday in Maelbourne. It was soooooo tender inside with super crispy bater and the sause was delicious. The nisest slab of seafood I've had.
And the octopus comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHTT!!!!!!
and then the Rabbi comes to say shellfish is not kosher ... IN THE NIIIIIIIGHTTTT! TROGDOOOOOOORRRR! Burninating the country side... I bet Strong Bad likes beef... we should email him...
Eh, I don't keep kosher anyway. I just don't like any seafood. Do you think that badass singers like Russell Allen or Matt Barlow (Iced Earth) are beefaholics? I bet they can't sing well without beefahol... No, they will sing well regardless. It just makes you think
My name's Steve,
"Hi Steve"
and I have a...have a...have a..whaaa.. have a beef problem, i'm addicted to beff, waaa.
It started when I was at this barbeque......
alcohol, since i don't drink. Also i am 18... but i could live without alcohol... not beef. By the way i made myself 2 double bacon cheeseburgers for lunch today, and they were huge... great times... i love summer.