
i cant believe this thread is back :lol:

i dont eat beef but...i found ham on my chicken pizza once and decided ah stuff it, im just gonna eat it..(i hadnt eaten pork "or beef" in over 7 years). but umm i'm back on my sometimes-chicken diet now (only sometimes, mainly veggie)
i had some chicken yesterday and it was fuckin great. It almost reminded me of beef, it was soooo good. I think lamb is right up there with beef. Scratch that, i think it is better JUST because of the fact that every time i eat lamb or talk about eating lamb or even THINK about eating lamb i get this GREAT visual in my head about me walking up with an electric razor to a lamb and shaving away some fur then takin a huge bite out of the side.... comedic gold.
I love a slab of steak filet cooked medium rare, but I'm just as fond as a fresh bowl of taboule with diced cucumber, tomatoes, and spritzed with lime juice...
right now I'm just enjoying a big packet of pizza shapes! not as good as a steak, but still nice and crunchy