Behemoth's Nergal - Rob Darken is an internet warrior: nothing.

"Just do ½ of what I did and then maybe we can speak." Yeah, The Philosopher, he's real fucking mature. I don't care about band wars, Graveland is just much better. That I do care about.

I find The Celtic Winter to be overrated and less than original. Good album, nevertheless. Thousand Swords is everything it's supposed to be and more.
Darth Kur said:
Good interview. Nergal's correct in avoiding petty squabbles. It's stupid to rant at each other like children. The music business is just that...a business. People should all try to keep it professional. If you don't like one band and/or person then so what? That's your prerogative. Just shut the fuck up about it and don't make an ass out of yourself.
I happen to like both Behemoth and Graveland. It's the music that matters most after all.
I agree. Squabbles between musicians are generally pointless.

Dodens Grav said:
Not in the popular world, which is what Nergal was referring to. It is hardly questionable that Behemoth's popularity exceeds that of Graveland's, regardless of the quality of the material. In that respect, I echo him in saying "Rob Darken, who the [fuck is] that?"
Yeah, but I find it personally funny that I knew who Rob Darken was and had no idea who Nergal was until someone mentioned the band name Behemoth. :lol:

Cythraul said:
Rob Darken is such an asshat. Why even take him seriously when 95% of what he says is ridiculous hyperbole? I'm not defending the Behemoth guy either but Darken seems to be acting like a gossipping little school girl. Yeah, what a tough necro Aryan black metal warrior. Btw, The Celtic Winter and Thousand Swords are vastly overrated albums. They're good, above-average black metal but they are not profound, neoclassical works of genius like every SRP fellating dipshit claims them to be.
Actually, I agree with most of this as well. Well, actually, Thousand Swords is pretty good. Better than above average, at least. The neoclassical elements are there, although the album hardly "evokes a wondrous sense of pagan fury" or whatever the hell it's supposed to, at least in me. And it's an ideological cesspool, to say the least. Darken is a fool, but I see most bands with NS tendencies to be fools, anyway. He's just more vocal about it, and really annoying as a result.

His music is good, though. I just hesitate to say so because his inflated ego is only making things worse for the alarming level of anti-Judeochristian sentiment already present in BM. It's nice to see him bitching about something else for a change. :lol:

Lykathea said:

Jean-Pierre said:
Leave the fucking soap operas for the lonely housewives channel.
Lykathea said:
That homosexual bastard Nagash,
We should cut through his ass with a chainsaw.

After them all goes Nergal from Behemoth with a big fucking penis-horn on his forehead,so…he may put it into his asshole, it’s right place…
This si what Poland is all aobut to me ty dawg.
Lyle said:
Well are you gonna post the lyrics or not man I haven't got all day.
Not the right lyrics but these are pretty funny Nokturnal Mortum lyrics...

"The voice calling me into darkness,
Open the gates through which I'll leave
The call of the ancient blood calls me to fight
The call of slavonic blood

Aryan lands with the boundless expanse
Through milleniums come to me
The forests and steppers everything I own
Is given to the damned jewish tribe

My blood is calling me, and I won't calm down
Until I taste the smell of their blood
The moon whispers about the darkness
The stars are leading me through the clouds

Silver people with white skin
Are gathering to perform a rite
The wisemen are cursing on the jewish scum
And I see the white man's power!

Spit in jewish faces, cut them into pieces
Let them choke with their lie
Let the woods grow up on their corpses only white man's power!

We are the only ones to have the right for this land!
It's ours, indeed!
These rivers have been flowing together with our blood for ages
This grass has grown on the bodies of our killed warriors
Hey, stay with us, our aryan spirit!

Let our slavonic blood boil up with our hatred
Hey, our land, stay with us!
Let every step on our land turn for the damnation on jews!
White power, you have to destroy of useless tribes
Under your glorious obsession!
Because they are not people,
They are worms whose mission is only parasitism
Let the aryan spirit support us!
The war is sacred! total war!"

Wow this guy seriously has no skills what so ever when it comes to writing lyrics. I especially like how he's gonna "taste the smell of their blood".
Yeah he really lacks direction. He seems unable to decide if he should go for the sophistocated Aryan philosopher attitude or the bad ass Aryan worrior angle. I don't know, he just ended up sounding retarded instead...
I hate when racist bm bands try to make their lyrics seem deep and profound. Such lyrics are riddled with an overabundance of pathos and kitsch poetry. And nsbm assholes try to pass this stuff off as art? Vaginal Jesus does racist lyrics the right way.
Dodens Grav said:
Not in the popular world, which is what Nergal was referring to. It is hardly questionable that Behemoth's popularity exceeds that of Graveland's, regardless of the quality of the material. In that respect, I echo him in saying "Rob Darken, who the [fuck is] that?"
Not really, Darken's projects have moved considerably more product than Behemoth ever has. His works are ENORMOUSLY popular in the skinhead/white nationalist underground, which is far, far larger than the little corner of the death metal crowd Behemoth taps into.
Cythraul said:
Rob Darken is such an asshat. Why even take him seriously when 95% of what he says is ridiculous hyperbole? I'm not defending the Behemoth guy either but Darken seems to be acting like a gossipping little school girl. Yeah, what a tough necro Aryan black metal warrior. Btw, The Celtic Winter and Thousand Swords are vastly overrated albums. They're good, above-average black metal but they are not profound, neoclassical works of genius like every SRP fellating dipshit claims them to be.
I haven't seen SRP or anyone else using the neoclassical reference as regards either of those albums. Most people acknowledge that The Celtic Winter is a solid album nestled deeply in the shadows of early Burzum.

Thousand Swords is a work of singular, creative genius, but it's not neoclassical in its orientation and anyone looking for that is bound to miss the point, it's folk music in the purest sense.
ThePhilosopher said:
Regardless of who's music you like better, Nergal has the more mature attitude over all this, not Darken.
Not really, there's nothing more pretentious and childish than taking the time to publically respond by stating A.) that you have no idea who someone is (when, in point of fact, you've worked with them directly in the past) and B.) that you will not respond in public. It's like the dorks that post in threads just to announce that they don't care. It's kindergarten to the nth degree.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Not really, Darken's projects have moved considerably more product than Behemoth ever has. His works are ENORMOUSLY popular in the skinhead/white nationalist underground, which is far, far larger than the little corner of the death metal crowd Behemoth taps into.

Are you seriously trying to argue that Graveland has sold and spread more throughout the world than Behemoth who's fully toured the US 3 times(and again two more soon on MAJOR tours with Suffocation and King Diamond), and is also signed and distributed through Century Media?

Planetary Eulogy said:
Not really, there's nothing more pretentious and childish than taking the time to publically respond by stating A.) that you have no idea who someone is (when, in point of fact, you've worked with them directly in the past) and B.) that you will not respond in public. It's like the dorks that post in threads just to announce that they don't care. It's kindergarten to the nth degree.

the 'who the fuck is rob darken' statement is not to be taken literally, but more in a 'who gives a shit, its rob darken' kind of way.
I think they're both idiots.

Darken parades around in full armor and corpse paint and picks internet fights with inferior bands.

Nergal wears a sharp cock on his massive forehead, plays shitacular music, and responds with an egotistical rant on how he won't respond.

Darken may be an idiot, but his music is far more important, and quite simply better.

Anyone can abandon black metal, and start following in Morbid Angel's and Nile's footsteps.