Behemoth's Nergal - Rob Darken is an internet warrior: nothing.

Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
"In Celtic Winter wolves wear the white garments...
In Celtic Winter the weak hearts die...
In Celtic Winter hunger tears human bowles...
In Celtic Winter time slowly elapses..."
ANd? Would you rather he write fag lyrics like those fudge packers in Fugazi?

Go back to your little hide out in SOT with all the other dick suckers.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
No. Lets discuss Rob's fantastic lyrics instead.

"In Celtic Winter wolves wear the white garments...
In Celtic Winter the weak hearts die...
In Celtic Winter hunger tears human bowles...
In Celtic Winter time slowly elapses..."

I see a nobel prize for literature on the way.

More like get the fuck out of my forum.
Cryptkeeper said:
What do lyrics have to do with anything? Who gives a shit about the lyrics as long as the music is great?

Shit lyrics will inevitably make the work, as a whole, shitty as well even though Darken writes some pretty good music.
J. said:
Go back to your little hide out in SOT with all the other dick suckers.

And you should stay here where you can safely discuss the many wonders of your beloved, dead-end, artistically puerile underground metal.
Cythraul said:
And you should stay here where you can safely discuss the many wonders of your beloved, dead-end, artistically puerile underground metal.
Yes, lets all talk about post Nattens Madrigal Ulver.
Cythraul said:
Shit lyrics will inevitably make the work, as a whole, shitty as well even though Darken writes some pretty good music.

You're full of shit.

Cythraul said:
And you should stay here where you can safely discuss the many wonders of your beloved, dead-end, artistically puerile underground metal.

Untrue, and do as you like with your Ulver movie soundtracks.

EDIT: I love the lyrics in your signature as well. Garm's just such an artistic rebel, isn't he? Ah well, lyrics aren't what matter...oh wait, Ulver's music is a steaming pile of worthless bore...
Jean-Pierre said:
You're full of shit.

No I'm not.

Untrue, and do as you like with your Ulver movie soundtracks.

EDIT: I love the lyrics in your signature as well. Garm's just such an artistic rebel, isn't he? Ah well, lyrics aren't what matter...oh wait, Ulver's music is a steaming pile of worthless bore...

His lyrics are better than any incoherent, linguistically challenged NS jibberish that Darken ever wrote. And go fuck yourself. Metal is for 13 year olds.
Cythraul said:
No I'm not.
His lyrics are better than any incoherent, linguistically challenged NS jibberish that Darken ever wrote. And go fuck yourself. Metal is for 13 year olds.
If metal is for 13 year old kids then what the fuck are you doing in a METAL board? :err:
Beh, he's no longer going to be entertaining, because he's gone from the role of pseudo-intellectual retard to annoying troll...oh well.
Jean-Pierre said:
Beh, he's no longer going to be entertaining, because he's gone from the role of pseudo-intellectual retard to annoying troll...oh well.

I agree.