I hope they go down in flames.....
Um too expensive for behringer, I'd better pass this time
They used bugera brand just to avoid marking it as Behringer, this is a great move considering the big amount of crappy stuff they produce buahahah
The electro harmoix/boss rip off are so fucking shameless, maybe they suound good who knows.
I bet firing it up it will blow immediately ahahah
Did you ever use Behringer stuff yourself? I hate Behringer for blatantly copying other companies products and ripping them of in lawsuits. Their stuff is very well made though for the price. I NEVER had something made by Behringer fail on me and most of the stuff sounded better than you'd expect at the price.
Is there seriously someone out there who thinks the 5150 is overpriced? That we needed a lower cost alternative?
Is there seriously someone out there who thinks the 5150 is overpriced? That we needed a lower cost alternative?