Behringer 5150 CLONES! The 6260!

So I wonder how long it is till they get sued. I think anyone else who owns a triple XXX or a 6505 will be hoping its soon.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: iekobrid@xxxxxxxx
Date: Jan 18, 2007 10:28 PM
Subject: "New" products

Did you guys actually license Bugera to manufacture copies of your
5150/6505 ("6260"), 5150II/6505+ ("6262"), and JSX ("333XL") amplifier
designs, or is a company from Singapore building products in the
British Virgin Islands for distribution in the United States by a
company from Germany sufficiently exempt from trade restrictions that
might otherwise apply to competitors within the U.S.? Valve Amplification

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: iekobrid@xxxxxxxx
Date: Jan 18, 2007 10:28 PM
Subject: "New" products

Did you guys actually license Bugera to manufacture copies of your
5150/6505 ("6260"), 5150II/6505+ ("6262"), and JSX ("333XL") amplifier
designs, or is a company from Singapore building products in the
British Virgin Islands for distribution in the United States by a
company from Germany sufficiently exempt from trade restrictions that
might otherwise apply to competitors within the U.S.? Valve Amplification


Aww man, now you're gonna spoil the chances of people like me, who have next to no money, getting what could be a good 5150 clone :waah:
Aww man, now you're gonna spoil the chances of people like me, who have next to no money, getting what could be a good 5150 clone :waah:

Hehe, nah, it's not like Bugeringher was going to be able to keep it a secret from Peavey or anything.

Besides, I'm genuinely curious to hear what Peav has to say about it. It's possible that they really did license the designs. Have you seen B-52's line of solid state combos? I swear to god they're the G1 versions of Randall's RG line, just with differently coloured faceplates. I'd love to know if B-52 is ripping them off, or if Randall figured, "Hey, it's not like we're building these designs anymore. Fuck it, let's squeeze a few more bucks out of them, why not." Perhaps it was the beginning of a trend.
I forsee tons of "core" or "scene" bands eating this amp up! Endorsement city for a lot of bands. They kind of remind me of a Madison amp.
Only the tubes will cost (4 6l6 + 5 12ax7) like 200e and up.

Where do you buy your tubes? that price is insane
Look here fucking good prices, and svetlana are kinda cheap..... no well fucking damn cheap!!
So I think if bugera buys a big amount of tubes, the prices will drop down a lot on big stocks of tubes!
I don't think that on my peavey 5150 mk1 200 euro is just for the tubes....
When it will be out I have to check these amps out!
YEah, i fail to see how anyone can say anything bad about this???

Shit, it's technically just a 5150 with a few changes...

No-one gave a fuck with Soldano amps...

No-one complains with a pod XT.

If behringer can do the same thing cheaper, all power to them.

And if it sounds even good (doesn't have to sound like 5150) but if it sounds good, i'll probably pick one up
YEah, i fail to see how anyone can say anything bad about this???

Shit, it's technically just a 5150 with a few changes...

No-one gave a fuck with Soldano amps...

No-one complains with a pod XT.

If behringer can do the same thing cheaper, all power to them.

And if it sounds even good (doesn't have to sound like 5150) but if it sounds good, i'll probably pick one up

I second that!!! That's the reason i'll buy one! I mean it's a 120W Tube Amp for about 500€!!! Nothing wrong with it...
Sure sir :
I own 2 DI's and the midi foot controller, they're the only things I like from them.
I can't say they're very well made, say that they work for the price...
Most of the cases they use suck, V-amp 1 and 2 is plastic while POD is metal.
That said besides the 3 things I bought, the pther stuff is not worth nor any pound/euro/dollar.
I bought a Harley Benton 4x12 cab cheap as hell, and I can say that with that amount of money (300 euro) you can't buy a behringer cab that is worth that much.
And my harley benton got Vintage 30's.... and it sounds good, maybe not as good as my trusty marshall.

Yes man....I am no Behringer fan. Sure it is not the greatest stuff, but for the price its well made. I am just annoyed about the old cliché that Behringer stuff sucks sooooo bad quality-wise. If you compare a 15$ mic preamp with a 500$ one it is clear who is going to loose....That sad I still hate the company for other reasons....

YEah, i fail to see how anyone can say anything bad about this???

Shit, it's technically just a 5150 with a few changes...

No-one gave a fuck with Soldano amps...

No-one complains with a pod XT.

The difference is that Peavey started developing the 5150 from a Soldano head that EVH liked and went from there. They developed a unique amp that has a very distinct sound and does not sound like a Soldano at all. They did not set out to do a 100% copy of a Soldano. Same thing with the POD XT: It is designed to sound as similar as possible, but it is not a direct copy of someone else schematic/work.
Behringer on the other hand just directly copies the amp down to the knobs and front plate design and name. I could live with that. However if you buy Behringer stuff you support ther policy of ruining competitors by directly copying them (look at schematics it is really 1 : 1) and then delaying the lawsuits until they have made enough money with the product to get away paying their penalty and still making profit.
omg guys, you're putting this too far...
Sure behringer is not pultec, but hey, for the price you can't find other things ( speaking generally)
What makes me feel a little weird is the peavey mail...nobody told mesa about peavey and their XXX? if you want to find resemblances, they're there on the front.
The way I see it is like if we mailed gibson asking them about the esp eclipses. We could name schecter for ripping strats too.
Maybe we like or dislike behringer, but it's not a matter of anger.
Yes, I paid 1300 euros back in the day for a 5150, so what? I had to modify and retube the amp til it was something I really liked, and I would do the same with this one or a bogner.
If behringer can do something close, good for them.

Ok, I laughed at the ads because well, maybe the actual names are too...explicit, and the joke about the price was just that, a joke, but god knows I'll try them if I can, and maybe buy one if I hear something good.

Just chill and wait till they're available, if they're crap...well, they'll be crap then.
The difference is that Peavey started developing the 5150 from a Soldano head that EVH liked and went from there. They developed a unique amp that has a very distinct sound and does not sound like a Soldano at all. They did not set out to do a 100% copy of a Soldano. Same thing with the POD XT: It is designed to sound as similar as possible, but it is not a direct copy of someone else schematic/work.
Behringer on the other hand just directly copies the amp down to the knobs and front plate design and name. I could live with that. However if you buy Behringer stuff you support ther policy of ruining competitors by directly copying them (look at schematics it is really 1 : 1) and then delaying the lawsuits until they have made enough money with the product to get away paying their penalty and still making profit.

Exactly. Behringer's business model is based solely on the theft of intellectual property. Well, that and using the cheapest labor/components.

Seriously tho, you need to consider how they achieve those insanely low prices. And then you need to consider whether you would rather support companies that do the R+D of products or if you want to support a company who's idea of new product development is xeroxing someone else's service manual.

BTW Gibson has sued lots of people (ESP, Ibanez, etc) to protect it's bodystyles.
well some ok matched pair for a 6l6 tube is 50e:

so 50e+50e+(5x15e)= 175e.

Some good tubes are like 80e per matched pair(6l6) and 20e (12ax7)....

these prices are in Finland fyi.

no that cheap. well behringer propably uses some cheap tubes.
nobody told mesa about peavey and their XXX?

Fair point but its possibly because Peavey didnt set out to do a shameless rip off of the Mesa. The XXX actually started out as a signature series head for a guitar player that was just o fickle to put his name to anything. In the end the siganture series naver happened but they had put so much work into it that they needed to release the head anyway. Its not like they said lets build our version of the mesa and put em head to head like Behringher have done here. Peavey are also very proud of their range of patents.