Behringer Truth.

EtherForBreakfast said:
Hmmm... Not that I am Mr. Behringer Endorser, but I do think the 2031A are a nice set of mons for $300 USD. Maybe the reason they sounded shiite when you heard them is because they were in a bad room, or some jag off went in back and maxed out all of the EQ/room comp. switches - which WOULD make them sound an ass.

Nope, good rooms, smart and knowledgable people running them, and crappy sound regardless. They sound like harsh hi-fi's. Their bass response is, if I remember correctly, really inaccurate(some weird peaks here and there), and the entire sound is pretty clouded. If you have a decent power amp already, just go for the passive Tannoy Reveals, and if you don't, go for the Event's. The 8 inch ones are nice, but the XL is unnecessary in terms of power. If your budget forces you to a lower price, the 6 inches are very useable. I wouldn't recommend any 5 inch speakers to anyone, just use Hi-Fi's in that circumstance.
I've got event TR6s, and I spent a lot of time and listened to a lot of monitors picking them out. I actually preferred them to the 8s I listened to in the same room (the 8s sounded a bit tinny to me and the stereo image was cloudy compared to the 6s). For the price (and among other higher-priced monitors), the sonic detail, frequency balance, and stereo image are fantastic. The deep bass could use some improvement, but then again, it is a 6-inch cone. If anything, the biggest problem with these is that they sound too good... I still reference constantly with my car stereo system (and it's definitely not a great one) just because I'm used to it, and it has a particularly nasty upper midrange that will give away a bad mix in a big hurry. My mixes do get better and better as I get used to these speakers, though, and they improved drastically as soon as I bought them. One note about active monitors, though: if you don't have some sort of line output volume control on your interface, you'll end up really wishing you had something like a Mackie Big Knob or Presonus Central Station (which I eventually picked up to control the volume from my Mbox).
EtherForBreakfast said:
The Berry Truth 2031A's are the best mons you will find in that price range. Just because they say Behringer people assume they are garbage - not the case.

I agree…

All the Albums from Tue Madsen are done on a pair of Truth’s
and his stuff sounds great!

You don’t need expensive monitors to get expensive sounding mixes.

Remember that almost all recordings in the past, was done on Yamaha NS 10’s… Do I need to say more??
The Dane said:
I agree…

All the Albums from Tue Madsen are done on a pair of Truth’s
and his stuff sounds great!

You don’t need expensive monitors to get expensive sounding mixes.

Remember that almost all recordings in the past, was done on Yamaha NS 10’s… Do I need to say more??

If you are comparing the NS-10's to a pair of Truth's you really need to learn some electroacoustic measurement techniques. The Truth's are nowhere near as flat as a pair of un-modded NS-10's, that's not saying much for the Truth's. Also, the noise (not audible) of the components in the Truth's is horrible compared to most other manufacturers (I'm not saying all 'cos some of them are worse).
~BURNY~ said:
M-audio BX8 are workable (I own a pair) but a bit too much bright, some ESI models looks exactly the same but are even cheaper. Dynaudio's sounds better though and new alesis prolinear are told to be good aswell (didn't hear it myself).
I hated what I heard from the behringer, that's all I can say.
But let's be honest, none of the above mentioned brand makes "real reference monitors" (in this range of price at least) so let your ears decide.

I have a pair of BX8's as well, and I think they're very good for the money. They were a good buy for me a year ago, coming from some really crap Roland passives.

I was starting to feel like I'd outgrown them recently, but I spent some time experimenting with the high/low/mid switches on the back and I finally found the right combination where my mixes are translating well.

It had a lot to do with figuring out how to counteract certain tendencies in my mixing and the flaws I was finding in the speakers and my listening environment, and that of course takes a little time to figure out.

So I bought myself a little more time with the BX8's, but I'm probably going to get some Dynaudio BM5a's when (if) I can get some money saved up.
i just bought myself some hr824's, got rid of the v8's. im thinking about picking up some cheepos to get other perspectives when mixing though. having that name, behringer, on my desk would just bug me though. anyone here have m1's?
Congrats on the Mackies.

A statement like seeing the name Behringer on your desk is just silly though... Look at Andys gear list and you will see quite a bit of Behringer stuff.........

I use berry mons and I really really like them.. for $300 they were the CLOSEST thing to the macks at $1400
yea i just hate behringer because everything ive ever had by them has broke. so its like a frustration thing for me.

EtherForBreakfast said:
Congrats on the Mackies.

A statement like seeing the name Behringer on your desk is just silly though... Look at Andys gear list and you will see quite a bit of Behringer stuff.........

I use berry mons and I really really like them.. for $300 they were the CLOSEST thing to the macks at $1400
I tried to do some research online on the Rubicons recently and couldn't find much. I guess I could get off my ass and go to the store, but... nah.

On the subject of cheapish monitors, an interesting option I recently stumbled across is the Yamaha HS50M. It's part of a new line based on the NS-10, but they're active and have a tailor-made Yamaha subwoofer option.

Interesting review of sorts here:
abigailwilliams said:
i just bought myself some hr824's, got rid of the v8's. im thinking about picking up some cheepos to get other perspectives when mixing though. having that name, behringer, on my desk would just bug me though. anyone here have m1's?

I used a pair as the B set to some 624's and I thought the M1's were pretty good. The highs are mellower than the mackie's..actually more similar to the v8's in that regard. I didn't like the way the porting made the lows sound, but I thought the mids were decent and overall I thought they sounded good for what they cost.

I concur that I wouldn't want B-ger on my desk however shallow that sounds. The fact of the matter is that they steal designs from other companies and make inferior products. When they stole from (and were sued) by mackie, aphex and Boss (roland) it seemed scummy. Now that they are targeting Tech 21-- a smaller company that I respect, use and have direct dealings with-- it's hitting closer to home.
Gomez said:
False. They are horrible. They are good to have and learn them because most studios have them... and that's why they have them! not bacuse they sound good or are accurate!

Not exactly true. Most NS10's are paired with the wrong power-amp which makes them worse than they actually are. They are not the best but they are far from horrible. That's why a good mix on some NS10's will sound good on any system, whilst a good mix on some other monitors (Truths, M1's, that range) can sound very different depending on the playback system.
Razorjack said:
Not exactly true. Most NS10's are paired with the wrong power-amp which makes them worse than they actually are. They are not the best but they are far from horrible. That's why a good mix on some NS10's will sound good on any system, whilst a good mix on some other monitors (Truths, M1's, that range) can sound very different depending on the playback system.

You're right... NS-10 transalte pretty well.
imagine if Behringer really did tell the Truth.... "well we ripped of just about every company you can imagine, but used inferior components and shoddy quality control, not to mention the whole LEDs for fake tube glow thing, and....." ad infinitum.
well..... I just got a deal on some Behringer 2031a monitors for $170! Should be here soon. I didn't wanna spend alot of money, cause I plan to buy Reaper 2.0

I know they are not the best monitors to be had, but it should be an upgrade from my Logitech computer speakers that I've always used.

btw, Tue uses them right? Can't be too terrible.
In most reviews I've read, the 2031A got much worse ratings than the 2030A did. Most said that the bass response on the 2031A was considerably inferior to the 2030A, and I think some people said the 2031A's were more fatigue-inducing.