being possessed


Sep 10, 2002
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does anybody here feel being possessed when sometime you play your instrument?? (mainly on guitar) I was kinda curious about dark things and stuff. you know spiritual things and demonic.. coz whenever i play metal. mainly death or black. i try to draw some evil spirits but i dont know if its workin. all i know is havin a feelin of something lurkin by your side.
just wanna knoe if anybody here is involved in demonic things and how you can draw your own demons to show up. if you watched excorcist 1. imagine linda blaire playing the guitar or drums or in vocals. shit that would be fuckin hell!!!
I get into the zone when I play bass, but not posessed by demons or any of that kind of crap. I simply get all caught up in the fucking music and get inside of it and feel it with my whole body I guess, and just let the power of the music and emotion pour out of me...might sound corny, but that's how I get when I play, or when I listen to music I really like...I can't imagine music NOT affecting me that's an awesome feeling...

I think it's just raw emotion that comes out - if you want to call them demons or whatever, that's fine...but it's basically unlocking feelings and emotion you have inside you already...

That's my 2 cents...
I also get in the zone and when doing so like to thrash out in a somewhat demonic manner, but I really dont wanna be possessed. Im sure you can excite some spirits with Pagan Black magic, but I wouldnt go there because You'll end up either dead or insane.
well were somehow playing dark shit and we try to become them. you know the corpse paint and the death vocals etc..theyre all product of demonic shit.

but maybe im just screwed up. anyway tnx every1
If that's the case...then I guess I'm not a tr00...I'm just an agressive metal musician who tries to play my ass of and put everything I have into the music I play. Give me dedication, emotion and raw energy over makeup, gimmicks and scary shit any day of the week...but that's just me...
:lol: funny thread...

Umm... yeah, sometimes I get the flow going on, and things just seem to happen without any real concious thought or attempt. I love the feeling. I wouldn't say that an evil spirit is possessing me though :lol: That's just me :heh:
Possessed? Not really, but music will change you.
Euronymous from the legendary Mayhem was supposedly kind and nice
but ever since he got into black metal he changed.
He and the Count created the "circle" and started burning churches.
So, you may be able to call it "possessed" or "brainwashed" by music but
not evil spirits.
But, still if you really want to summon demons and play metal then just get some hash,
light it up, then start playing, and you'll definately see a lot of demons flying around in technicolor mayhem.