

Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands



The band needs their own thread.

Has anyone not checked out this band? So many of you would dig this band. Hell, even lurch would probably like them. They have a feel similar to Negura Bunget and even Aeternus. Very earthy kind of black metal. More like dark metal than black metal, though.

And no jollyfolk or jollyfolk instruments here. So you have no excuse.

Samples upon request.
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I thought I would like them and checked them out some year ago, but I wasnt very impressed upon hearing Spicelege :| I remember thinking there just was too little happening
Here's the best song from last year's "Chants de Bataille" (which ended up on 11th place on my 2006 Top 40 list)


Wow, that's an impressive list. But how you find time to listen to so much new music, I find very hard to comprehend. I mean, aren't you a law student? ;P

Anyway, I've yet to give your mp3-compilation a decent listen, which I will remedy soon.
I am indeed, but thankfully we've got very long holidays, and I spent a lot of the summer holidays listening to new releases. Also, I tend to bring my mp3 player with me whenever I go for a walk etc, so it's not that hard of a task ;p

Good luck listening to the DM comp, I've got a feeling that there might be a lot of stuff that won't tickle your fancy on it, but hey. Some of the songs might appeal to you, though, esp. the more blackened death songs.
I have only heard Spicelege and I loved it. I have been looking for there stuff every where. How does the ordering work from the band page. I took a look and it is not too clear. Do they do it through paypal? I bet shipping will cost a ton.
True that.They are impossible to find. Honestly I would probably just buy them all so I wouldn't have to worry about finding them again.