Belladonna on being in the band.

Yeah I think we all know it's a bit like that.
Echos my recent post about what Joey does whilst the other guys are writing. He's just the bloke that sings the words that others write! Sad indeed as he's a top bloke!
Bands are just like family. There's a bit of dysfunction in all of them

Its sounds like he's saying that historically the band's relationship was more business than social
Nothing new here at all. Joey always was a hired gun. They gave Bush some more leeway, but it really speaks volumes about Scott & Charlie, doesn't it? Joey, I am sure, lawyered up this past time and is getting the compensation he deserves......
Nothing new here at all. Joey always was a hired gun. They gave Bush some more leeway, but it really speaks volumes about Scott & Charlie, doesn't it? Joey, I am sure, lawyered up this past time and is getting the compensation he deserves......

Scott and Charlie hate him, always have, always will, and he knows. This time they need him. Guess he's getting some decent money and the only way to release the frustration are these seldom interviews.
Back when the band made the decision to part ways with Joey just before SOWN, I think Scott was quoted as saying, "If he's (Joey) still in the band, I'm leaving Anthrax"

Was that statement due to band management issue(s) at the time or was it something personal? I don't think there was ever a clear answer on that.

Either way, one never knows with this band.
Scott and Charlie hate him, always have, always will, and he knows. This time they need him. Guess he's getting some decent money and the only way to release the frustration are these seldom interviews.

Not sure if they "hate" him. Clearly they are not his friends......this dates back to (at least '99) when Scott was quoted as saying he (Joey) wanted too much money (to equal "Metallica's Tailor" he said) to do the John/Joey Killer A's tour. Probably goes back idea.....pretty sure they really wanted Bush post POT & post Dan Nelson (need a "Lion" not a "bird")

Scott & Charlie lie so much, its hard to tell. Joey....OBVIOUSLY...has them over a barrel and he says what he wants......surely to Scott and Charlies chagrin.

Joey must need the dough....cuz he knows these guys would throw him under the bus in an instant.

Comic gold.
Yes - it's Blabberbullshitmouth so I'd take this with a pinch of salt. That said it's a very sad read - you feel for Joey if this is true.

Not sure what you mean, its an interview Joey did with Sweden Rock magazine. Blabbermouth is guilty of posting with misleading titles from time to time, but the majority of the stories come straight from press releases and interviews.
I think u will find that a lot of bands don't get on,it's a business at the end of the day,perry Tyler,jagger Richards etc etc,I got no problem with it,Joey is an honest person
I think u will find that a lot of bands don't get on,it's a business at the end of the day,perry Tyler,jagger Richards etc etc,I got no problem with it,Joey is an honest person

Agree. But it still speaks volumes about the "dynamic" in the band. Hard to believe they haven't imploded....yet.....
Yea I don't think Joey's situation is any different than a LOT of other bands that have more of a business arrangement with not much social interaction outside the studio/shows
Beat me to it @anonymous.

The original article could've been taken out of context. Someone did state that the article felt like Joey was talking about situations in the past perhaps rather than now?
By the same token Joey could be one of those guys that needs a lot of reassurance perhaps? Given the history between him, Chuck & Scott then its no surprise that its an awkward relationship.
No they are just keeping their distance. The two albums that Joey gave his best vocal performance were POT & WM. Before POT they were jerking him around and wanted to get rid of him and he sang angry and inspired. On WP he came back after they jerked him around after the reunion and he redid the vocals from an album recorded with another singer --- and sang his balls off on that album.

So let them get Joey pissed off just enough to deliver another kick ass vocal performance --- I've heard his solo albums, he shouldn't be contributing to the Anthrax song writing. Just sing.