Belladonna returns driving new album up charts

...a couple of months he better start negoations for better paycheck...he isn't as dumb as Scott and Charlie think.

If he's only got a few months left on his contract, good! He's got the band by the nutsack. Charlie & Scott know that the band only works with Joey or John, and Joey's the only one willing to work with them. Anyone else the band's dead in the water. Now maybe Joey will get what he deserves, which is more respect & a fair slice of the pie.
Some guy on Blabbermouth commented that in an interview with Terrorizer magazine Joey makes it clear he's not staying. Please tell this is not fucking true?

Doesn't make a bit of sense, what would he do? That guy probably misread something, which is quite common among Blabbermouth readers.
I think the fact that Belladonna is on it alone will be the reason that it gets better sales (or more downloads). One of the indie CD stores near me has the album out on the shelves already (along with the new Alice Cooper). I think the real test of pre-orders will be the Satan's Lounge Band show tomorrow nite with how many people show up.

Yeah, it's Joey's first album with them in decades and they got a ton of exposure from the big 4 shows. Thjey're in a good spot
People sign contracts to be in bands?? I knew they did it to record, but wtf this all better be bullshit.

That's the business side of things. Established bands (with sense) don't work for free or without a contract (terms & conditions, compensation, etc) to protect them. Considering the drama pertaining to the band and the band's management, it's even more vital that Joey has a good contract. I doubt Joey would ever agree to rejoin Anthrax without a contract.
That's the business side of things. Established bands (with sense) don't work for free or without a contract (terms & conditions, compensation, etc) to protect them. Considering the drama pertaining to the band and the band's management, it's even more vital that Joey has a good contract. I doubt Joey would ever agree to rejoin Anthrax without a contract.

Shit the way Scott and Charlie are, if I was joey I'd hire one of those hardcore sports agents that demands a signing bonus plus a multi year deal with incentives :lol:
@ ghoststrike:

That makes sense, especially in this case w/ Joey and Anthrax. Hopefully with Joey back on they can focus on just being a band and playing rather than all the business side of things. As a fan, it's easy to forget about the business aspect of bands you like. It's kind of a bummer when decision are based on that, but I guess that's just the reality for some bands.
It's a reality for all bands that have any kind of success. A lot of the problems in bands come from the fact that most never bother to make legal/business decisions when they are unknown bands, and then when the success comes, nothing has been laid out in advance. Ugly - I've seen a lot of it.
Shit the way Scott and Charlie are, if I was joey I'd hire one of those hardcore sports agents that demands a signing bonus plus a multi year deal with incentives :lol:


The business aspect is the main reason that the reunion tour that was attempted back in 99 w/ Joey fell through. Joey left the negotiating table because he didn't feel what they were offering at the time was fair when the topic of compensation was discussed with between Joey, the band, and management. This was around the time the Ball of Confusion cover song was recorded w/ both John and Joey on vocals for the Attack of the Killer A's album. A rather symbolic song considering the band's history :lol:

This current tour is the 3rd time the band reached out to Joey to rejoin counting 1999, 2005, and now (2010 thru current)

A lot of new bands (regardless of music genre) unfortunately find out the business aspects the hard way when they get screwed over for royalties and sales compensation by major record labels. That's what happens when signing a contract without it being reviewed by a lawyer that has your best interests in mind.
I think whenever a band has reached a certain level of success, that they should just do everything themselves from then on. That seems to make the most obvious sense considering what the music industry is like these days. That's why I respect certain bigger bands like NIN and Radiohead (despite not being a fan) because they've taken shit into their own hands. Other bands that are much less popular have done that and do fine.
I think whenever a band has reached a certain level of success, that they should just do everything themselves from then on. That seems to make the most obvious sense considering what the music industry is like these days. That's why I respect certain bigger bands like NIN and Radiohead (despite not being a fan) because they've taken shit into their own hands. Other bands that are much less popular have done that and do fine.

Scott and Charlie have been doing everything themselves for years and that is why they almost went into extinction. They are terrible at making business decisions. At this point Joey is basically saying he isn't going to play by their rules anymore. He needs shit done in a legal way that protects him from getting the shaft and getting nothing.

The reunion tour wouldn't have happened if Joey didn't agree. He is the entire reason that tour was successful. So him not getting at least the same amount of $$$ as the rest of the band was bullshit. So I can see why he would be a bit upset. I can also see why the band didn't want him back. The band wanted to bring in some no name guy who wouldn't get nearly as much $$$ as Joey would. So Don Nelson came in and they probably told him he would get next to nothing to record the album and he was fine with that since he was a no namer. But Joey wouldn't have that. He knows is worth and is finally getting paid for it. Good for him, shame on Scott and Charlie for being greedy fucks!
Scott and Charlie have been doing everything themselves for years and that is why they almost went into extinction. They are terrible at making business decisions. At this point Joey is basically saying he isn't going to play by their rules anymore. He needs shit done in a legal way that protects him from getting the shaft and getting nothing.

The reunion tour wouldn't have happened if Joey didn't agree. He is the entire reason that tour was successful. So him not getting at least the same amount of $$$ as the rest of the band was bullshit. So I can see why he would be a bit upset. I can also see why the band didn't want him back. The band wanted to bring in some no name guy who wouldn't get nearly as much $$$ as Joey would. So Don Nelson came in and they probably told him he would get next to nothing to record the album and he was fine with that since he was a no namer. But Joey wouldn't have that. He knows is worth and is finally getting paid for it. Good for him, shame on Scott and Charlie for being greedy fucks!

They always had managers. But, as Rob Caggiano said in his infamous interview, "this band has been mis-managed since Johnny Z."
just look at fear factory,they let someone be equal partner and they fucked up,any band worth there salt would have contracts and legal stuff documented.