Beneath the Mire

How can anyone not like the drums/guitar riff vibe to the begining of that song...the melotron sounds like a led zepplin song....I personally like arabic sounding shit as long as it's done properly....and it is here!!!!i
A delusion made me stronger
Yet I'm draped in pale withering flesh
I sacrificed more than I had
And left my woes beneath the mire

Fucking Brilliant. I still can't seem to understand why no other band is as kick ass as Opeth, sorta sucks listening to a lot of other music because a lot of it is truly inferior. :(
catchy? you think? i think harlequin forest is more catch than BTM.
love the song, love the intro, its something totally different and has a real groove to it. the clean vocals on this track are nothing short of amazing.