Benedictum for PowerFest!!!

:lol: Well, I wouldn't know that from the two times I saw him with you and you were cursing him throughout the whole set.......

I am not a monstrous DIO fan, though I do highly appreciate his classic tracks. Also, love his work with Sabbath. Can't wait for the Heaven and Hell tour.

I forgot I saw him twice. I thought he was really good opening for Maiden but we didnt really watch his set when Hammerfall opened for him.
People actually don't like DIO? :OMG: No soup for you!! :p RJD is metal. Period.

Btw, I think Benedictum would make a great addition to any fest. That singer is awesome!!


I always hated when people think that you should have to like cetain performers. I think that Dio is good, but nothing ground breaking or amazing. It is funny that people think that if you like metal you have to
love bands like Slayer and Maiden and Metallica. If you listen to punk you have to like the Sex Pistols and the Ramones. I never really followed that
Actually the Dreamland disc was really good catchy stuff, very polished and commercial but they write catchy songs, which I like.
That's cool. I couldn't get past the third song before I shut it off. Just not my cup of tea.

I always hated when people think that you should have to like cetain performers.
Stardust is teasing. But seriously, if you don't like Dio, you don't like Metal.:loco:

I think that Dio is good, but nothing ground breaking or amazing.
If you're not a huge fan of his voice or his music that's one thing. Not groundbreaking? Where do you think Power Metal would be today without Dio?

It is funny that people think that if you like metal you have to love bands like Slayer and Maiden and Metallica.
Slayer = :puke:.

I always hated when people think that you should have to like cetain performers. I think that Dio is good, but nothing ground breaking or amazing.

Dio isn't groundbreaking? I get that you don't care for his voice (which is why I tried to make a joke by saying, "No soup for you."), and that's fine. But whether you like him or not, saying Dio isn't groundbreaking is like saying Les Paul is just some guitar player.

Dio isn't groundbreaking? I get that you don't care for his voice (which is why I tried to make a joke by saying, "No soup for you."), and that's fine. But whether you like him or not, saying Dio isn't groundbreaking is like saying Les Paul is just some guitar player.


what groundbreaking thing has Dio done???? Sure he was in Sabbath and been around for ever, he is the punchline of lots of jokes outside the metal world. I thinkhe has a bunch of good songs and puts on a decent show, but groundbreaking...nope.
what groundbreaking thing has Dio done???? Sure he was in Sabbath and been around for ever, he is the punchline of lots of jokes outside the metal world. I thinkhe has a bunch of good songs and puts on a decent show, but groundbreaking...nope.

Bob - are you serious or just trying to stir shit up here?
You claim that power metal is your fav genre, yet you think that DIO is not groundbreaking? Have you never looked at a Rainbow album cover or listened to tracks like Man on the Silver Mountain?

I agree that isn't a reason to be a fanboy or anything, though I think you have to give the short guy credit for his influence on almost everything you listen to today.
Dio fucking owns. And has influenced almost every traditional and power metal singer out there.

He's also a really upstanding guy. One that you can easily respect when he talks. Somebody worth looking up to.
what groundbreaking thing has Dio done???? Sure he was in Sabbath and been around for ever, he is the punchline of lots of jokes outside the metal world. I thinkhe has a bunch of good songs and puts on a decent show, but groundbreaking...nope.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. o_O And then you woke up and had breakfast. This is, quite possibly, the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life. Thanks for the laugh.
Haha...yeah it was. Did you notice the lack of comments from us on this thread. ;)

Regardless...thanks for getting the Benedictum buzz started to lead up to our announcement. :kickass:

Yeah I had no idea. The thing I do know is that this is one of those bands that everyone has "missed" for some sort of festival in the US. You guys are on the money with them! My friends in the UM Old School forum have seen them a few times and they have said that they are GREAT live! I can't wait!
Anyone who hasn't purchased this disc should!!! It is a must have!!!:headbang: