Bergstrand drum micing tecnique


Mar 30, 2005
I noticed Daniel Bergstrand tends to use a mic for each cymbal instead of X/Y or Spaced pair.
The mics are close to the cymbals and in my opinion, this helps a lot when you have a single kick setup, where you usually have only 1 cymbal in the right side of the drums.
I noticed Andy did the same thing for the last Exodus (you can see it in the first studio report).
What do you think?
Some pictures from Come Clarity drums session:


Fucking love the drum sound/ mix on this album. That micing sure explains a lot though. Wonder how he coped with that room though :S

Then again, he must have gotten a really nice clean dry sound from each cymbal etc, cause when u hear the GH multitracks, you can hear how exactly it came out that way :)

I fucking love the drums, I'll re state that lol!
I'm curious about how he pans the various mics...probably exactly where they are in the stereo image. But what about the snare bleeds?
With spaced pair you can set the 2 mics to have the snare at center of the stereo, but with all these mics it's harder.
Yeah, it's Come Clarity, but I think he uses the same tecnique for lot of works.


For example in this case, looking at Dirk's setup, with spaced pair he should have put the right mic "outside" the wall to mantain the right stereo image
From what I hear, he gate cymbals (how he do this without destroying everything:lol:)... recalling from Scarve session. But for In flames close micing help for cymbals trigering...

But like always with Daniel trick, nobody for confirm...
From what I hear, he gate cymbals (how he do this without destroying everything:lol:)... recalling from Scarve session. But for In flames close micing help for cymbals trigering...

But like always with Daniel trick, nobody for confirm...

So, he has a gate in every cymbal track that opens only when the cymbal is hitted.
It should be a pain in the can loose some hits if the hit intensity is not the same everytime
Also with One Way Mirror, same setup

Little OT: Is it Protools the daw used? It seems a little different. And what about the level meter that you can see in the monitor? It's really cool
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Little OT: Is it Protools the daw used? It seems a little different. And what about the level meter that you can see in the monitor? It's really cool
Mackie HDR24/96 DTD
Really old, come with Mackie converter... In fact Daniel switched to protool (HD with SSL duality) in 2009:lol:
But for back on the thread:

Daniel cymbal micing isn't same than Andy micing imo
Andy use spaced pair in couple (correct me if I'm wrong Andy, I already read some nice french insult on your post:lol:); but Daniel usually use condenser mic when trigering or most often, ribon mic.
You can close cymbal micing without harsh sounding when you use ribon mic.
One mic per cymbal, but in other hand you get ton of phasing issue with this technic. According to that, now you know why he have this (Mackie DTD can't run any plugin)...

Interesting link:
on gearslutz

PS: if you have info like this about Wieslawski bro Michele, I would worship you for eternity:worship::lol: