BEST 3 Testament albums?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
ok i am new to Testament... what 3 albums should i pick up to get to know what they sound like. Give me the most melodic album, the most thrashy, and another good one if you can. Also can you name some other good thrash bands to check out?
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
ok i am new to Testament... what 3 albums should i pick up to get to know what they sound like. Give me the most melodic album, the most thrashy, and another good one if you can. Also can you name some other good thrash bands to check out?

The first one, "The Legacy", is damn thrashy and melodic.
The most thrashy one is probably "The Gathering".
Then go for "Souls Of Black". It has this 80's hardrock feeling with melodies and some thrashy stuff.

Good luck! ;)
I would pick up First Strike Still Deadly, since it almost serves as a "best-of" their first two albums, which are two of their finest works, with excellent production (I never liked 80's production values too much, plus Andy Sneap rules).

Anyway, my top-3 Testament (I don't count FSSD or Greatest Hits collections):

1. The Gathering (heaviest)
2. The New Order (somewhere in the middle IMO)
3. The Ritual (most melodic)
These three may not be the best, but they would be the first I'd encourage a new fan to buy.

First Strike Still Deadly
The Gathering
Get Practice, Low, and Gathering for a good summary of their career. Bumblefoot, the guitarwork on Practice'll make you cream your pants, silly axe wanker!
Bumblefoot, I've seen your posts on the petrucci forum. Being the huge petrucci fan I am, I say welcome to the world of testament.
If you're looking for crazy skolnick solos then the Ritual is by far the craziest album in that sence. He really got to cut loose on that one. I also would reccomend First Strike it Still Deadly because they got Alex back to remake a bunch of old tunes, new production, better drummer, Chuck singing his nuts off ect...
My 3rd album to reccomend would be the Gathering. Its the best heavy album ever, bar none. Not a whole lot of over the top guitar solos, but they aren't needed. Peterson (the riff god) and Murphy take care buisness like no ever did before.