Best album sound?

I've got to go with Still Life. I love it's warm sound and how it fits with how the concept's set in Summer. I love imagry of the protagonist approching the town over the moor on a warm, still night.
Still Life sounds like it was done by a total amateur, way too much reverb is the obvious, but past that, things are equalized to piercingly blatant degrees. Not to mention, compression is used overly on some things, and then seemingly not at all in places it would actually be useful, case in point, the compression on the acoustic guitars makes their high passed foulness ring out through the sustain in such an unnatural way, it makes me cringe every time I hear em. Of course, as this thread is proof of, there's still plenty of people that like a totally amateurish mix.

Watershed is probably my favorite sonically, the surround mix anyway, if it was the CD, I'd probably reconsider.

:Edit: Yeah, philno is wrong. ;)
there will be blood is NOT one of the greatest movies ever. come on.

Dude, that movie combines simplicity and complexity in perfect harmony. There were no special effects and the music was somewhat simple, but still awesome, but the plot had so many intricacies. I saw these little things that just made you think about the characters and their relations with the others and that made the movie that much better.

To summarize, that was one of the best movies ever.

But back on topic, guitar wise, I loved the tone they got on the song Heir Apparent. Actually, on all the songs on Watershed the guitar tone was quite awesome.
But back on topic, guitar wise, I loved the tone they got on the song Heir Apparent. Actually, on all the songs on Watershed the guitar tone was quite awesome.

Isn't it blasphemy to choose an album not produced by Steve Wilson with the name/avatar you have? :D
I remember hearing Serenity Painted Death for the first time and I thought that Mike's clean voice sounded a lot like Jerry Cantrell's. I also thought there were at least 3 vocalists in the band... so yeah I love the sound of Mike's vocals on Still Life.

I thought exactly the same thing! I also thought that he sounded alot like Jerry, only that he could sound amazing on his own (Jerry without Layne just sounds like something missing imo). Anyways, I love the Still Life acoustic sound even though it may be "over reverbed", I like it like that. Gives it a "warmth" which sets the romantic mood of the album.
Ghost Rev. Im not sayin it is their best album but as far as soundwise, I think Ghost Rev is the most clear one. I love Akerfeldts clean vocals in that album too.
IMO guitar sound is best on BWP and Mikael's vocals are best on WS. I think MA really came into his own over the last 2 records as a brilliant vocalist. He's always been good but you can really hear his vibrato come around after Deliverance and on WS it is pure beauty alongside the death growls. He is one vocalsit that got better and better and better as he went on, not like Anders from In Flames who gets worse and worse which is too bad because I loved In Flames old stuff.
Still Life sounds like it was done by a total amateur, way too much reverb is the obvious, but past that, things are equalized to piercingly blatant degrees. Not to mention, compression is used overly on some things, and then seemingly not at all in places it would actually be useful, case in point, the compression on the acoustic guitars makes their high passed foulness ring out through the sustain in such an unnatural way, it makes me cringe every time I hear em. Of course, as this thread is proof of, there's still plenty of people that like a totally amateurish mix.

Watershed is probably my favorite sonically, the surround mix anyway, if it was the CD, I'd probably reconsider.

:Edit: Yeah, philno is wrong. ;)

Fuck you. Still life owns your face.

I say this because I'm a tad wasted, but yes, it's true.
well worst sound is definately MR and orchid.

Best? Possibly BWP but maybe deliverance for its "pure" atmosphere
The latest albums have all sounded great.

But I don't know how some people consider Still Life to sound the best. I consider the mixing the biggest flaw with the album.