Best Anthrax album cover?


Mar 25, 2004
My fav Anthrax album cover is the Stomp 442 one.
Who knows how they made that huge ball. It looks pretty real to me.
I know a lot of you will say the WCFYA cover, but I think that cover is just too much in your face. I like Stomp it's more artistic. Plus there's a nude guy on the cover for the ladies.
All in al the clours on WCFYA are a little too dark for my liking.
Persistence of time was pretty dark in terms of music but it kinda had a fun artwork goin there.
I like it when Anthrax show their fun loving nature and humour. The more the merrier.
I think they should show more of who they are, like they used to. They shouldn't be ashamed of who they are. They don't haveto play black metal if they don't want to. :)
Stomp 442 also has the cool idea of placing of what it seems to be, paint powder on the ground reflecting the colours of some of the cars in the ball.
The nude guy looks kinda indian. Interesting.
I like STD cause I remember seeing it on the old backpatches when I was young, back when metal was huge in America. Great time for music and metal...thanks Mr. Cobain for ruining it all, you worthless untalented fuck