Best Anthrax album??


Aug 30, 2006
Costa Rica
this thread is jut to know whats your favorite anthrax record of all times, my opinion Sound of white noise is the best one... First Jhon Bush Album too. all right thanx:headbang:
Well, Among the Living and Sound Of White Noise are the two best records - but to be honest, I'm not too fond of the actual recording of Among The Living - the songwriting is amazing, all of the songs rule - but I'd say Sound Of White Noise is better because the production is better. Plus, I'm a bigger fan of John.
Spreading The Disease put Anthrax on the WorldWide Metal map...that will always be special...and that guitat sound for so so crunchy!
Also Among The Living was an album that seperated Anthrax from the rest of the pack! I did folow Anthrax with John Bush too!....But for those of us who grew up WITH Anthrax... Neil and Joey are our first real fav Singers for Anthrax..much like when Hagar went to Van Halen..great Albums and all..But souned like Hagar's solo stuff a bit...and Dave has always been the voice of Van Halen...for better or worse, the singer is really the identity of the band..more so than the other members...

all killer albums..
But for those of us who grew up WITH Anthrax... Neil and Joey are our first real fav Singers for Anthrax..
I "grew up with Anthrax", I liked them in the 80's and picked up their albums, though not necessarily on the first day, and they certainly weren't my favorite band, and I thought the vocals were the weak link. When John joined, the key ingredient that had been missing was now found, and I became a fan.
Well, Among the Living and Sound Of White Noise are the two best records - but to be honest, I'm not too fond of the actual recording of Among The Living - the songwriting is amazing, all of the songs rule - but I'd say Sound Of White Noise is better because the production is better. Plus, I'm a bigger fan of John.

i think among sounds better than sown,maybe not professional wise but in sheer agression of the guitars,sown was so damn muggy,its funny how diff people hear diff things
I "grew up with Anthrax", I liked them in the 80's and picked up their albums, though not necessarily on the first day, and they certainly weren't my favorite band, and I thought the vocals were the weak link. When John joined, the key ingredient that had been missing was now found, and I became a fan.

I was def. one of those "first day" the album came out fans..for sure. lol
John is def. a great singer..I was a fan of Armored Saint it was a win - win for me... with that said..John will always be the singer of Armored my eyes... He does kick ass with Anthrax...
Whatever Anthrax chooses to do, I'm sure they will have a killer vocalist..ALL of their singers kicked ass IMHO
Here's to the future Cheers! :kickass:

Hey NFN.who was your top fav bands back in the good ol days? ;-)