Best Aussie metal/rock release of 2005


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Time to help decide the Eternal Question.

I had to make two polls, because the pollster thing only allows 20 questions at a time. The results will be tallied and an article will be posted on Pyromusic.Net on completion of the poll.

If you chose "Something else", tell me what you chose please!

NOTE: I'm only including album-length releases featuring new material in the poll, no re-issues or best-ofs, hence why there's no Alchemist or diSEMBOWELMENT in the list. Resurrection was included because it's a new recording.
I think the only Aussie metal release I bought this year was Vanishing Point, so I'll go with that one after much thought and contemplation.
KoichCPA said:
Is the new one as good as sombre light?

yeah it's great. A little bit different from Sombre. Still pretty doomy but not as doomy as 'Sombre'. Great ambient feel though.
It sucks -

Vanishing Point is the winner for me - an absolute masterpiece of an album. But The Deadthings album (what I've heard) is amazing too! Not to mention raven black night - and I am a big fan, got a bit drunk with them before Motley last Thursday!
KoichCPA said:
Is the new one as good as sombre light?

Yeah I actually like the new one better than Sombre light.. But agreed - less doomy, seems at times a little more straightforward.
Might sound biased because I'm in the band now (but I'm not on the album!), but my pick goes to The Deadthings - Who Killed Holly Would?
I saw Five Star Prison Cell support Arch Enemy. Good luck to them and everything, but they were such an inappropriate support!
Winmar said:
I saw Five Star Prison Cell support Arch Enemy. Good luck to them and everything, but they were such an inappropriate support!

what sort of music do they play?
Hmmm it's hard to describe. Heavy in bits, with Mike Patton-like vocals in others. Nothing like Arch Enemy! Can you give a better description, Southy?
yeah I knew they would sound like a Patton project. Adam Glynn is such a Patton wannabe